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S/O Woody Allen….Bill Cosby?


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I remember that story from a long time ago. At the time, it seemed that the media reported on it briefly and then the story disappeared.


The differences may well have been that Cosby's alleged victims were adults, not little girls. Also, Woody Allen was never the "all-American Dad" figure that Bill Cosby was. People viewed Bill Cosby as a smart, funny, kind, decent family man. I don't think Woody Allen was ever anyone's idea of a perfect husband or father figure.

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I never heard of this before today. Interestingly enough Bill Cosby performed at the hotel I worked at for 17 years before I moved. He has more security than any president that ever visited the hotel. There is no way there were no witnesses to these acts if he did do them, he is never, ever alone from what I understand.

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OK, I saw this linked under another article I was reading. 


I had no idea that he was ever accused of such a thing, or that he settled.


Am I the only one?



I vaguely remember this. Thank you so much for sharing.This, Woody Allen, and all the recent UK disgusting creeps (BBC DJs, etc.) are making me lose more and more respect for the entertainment industry as a whole. Not that I ever had much respect to begin with. 

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I'm not disputing the article or the accounts. I want to point out that sometimes figures in entertainment and in business settle lawsuits because doing so allows them to move on faster. It's a calculated decision determining how much time can be spent in the legal system " clearing one's name" compared to the damage having the lawsuit inthe public eye causes. Some of the claims in the Bill Cosby thing were pretty old and it was a civil suit not criminal. "Clearing his name " would probably have taken years. My guess is he would have had a legal team that would have won, but it would have been in the news constantly for years and we would never forget.


A parallel, but criminal, example is when Martha Stewart went to jail for 9 months. She had appealed the charges, but the appeal was going to take a couple of years. Her business ventures could not go forward until she did not owe the govt time. So, she went to jail and got back to work as fast as she could. She did eventually clear her name too. The appeal finished some time after she got out of jail. By the time the appeal got through she'd been out and working on new projects for a while. Things she could not have started if business partners were thinking her appeal is going to fail and she will have to serve time and our project will stop so they simply would decide not to work with her. She got the jail time out of the picture before she cleared her name so she could move on.


That's not to say the Cosby accusations did not happen. Just that there are calculations people make to figure out how quickly they can move on. By settling Cosby minimized long term damage to his business and probably to his family. Criminal charges were never made so that's not hanging out there.


Also, I think Cosby is a completely different situation than Allen. Man is a creep to adult women has a completely different ring than man takes advantage of his partner's teen to young adult dd (we don't know when it started) and begins a relationship with and possibly molests the younger sister of the teen to young adult. I mean drugging a woman and assaulting could be any random guy, but it seems you have to be lower than scum to go after the daughters of your longterm partner ( one of which was your own daughter) . Cosby was not accused by his daughter or a close family/friend/like a daughter. That's just a level of yuck way deeper than the accusations on Cosby. I think partly because we all know that as adults we aren't supposed to trust people we don't know well/take pills from them, etc. But we protect our dc and when a man is a father figure and he betrays that trust it makes everyone recoil in horror.

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