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Science book series/authors you like?


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What children's science book series do you guys recommend?


So far I have the following series on my radar for when I hit the used bookstore. I know there are many more, but distinguishing quality is always the problem!


* Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science

* The Cat in the Hat Learning Library

* Magic School Bus

* Eye Wonder, Eyewitness, Eyewitness Science (basically anything DK publishes)

* How and Why Wonder Book of _____


* Pretty much everything by Millicent E. Selsam, Franklyn Branley, Seymour Simon, Gail Gibbons


What else has been worth your while? I'm buying for the future (stockpiling when I find good prices) so disregard my DS' very young age! :)

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Alice Goudey's "Here Come The (Animal)" series is written for early elementary level. She usually traces an animal through its life, describing its habitat, food and challenges but vividly enough that the reader empathizes.


Robert McClung - I've heard good things of his books, we have a couple by him  and they are similar to Alice Goudey's.


Jeanne Bendick's contributions to the "First Book of" series.  She manages to ask the questions that kids, at least mine, are curious about. 


Thornton Burgess animal stories - the ones which focus on an animal, e.g. Blacky the Crow, Chatterer the Squirrel. Not everyone likes these - perhaps a bit too much dialog, or the languageis dated, but our family did.


Usborne's "See Inside" series - they aren't 'living' books, but they are clearly illustrated and my kids spend a lot of time opening each flap and poring over the information within.

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We love the Biomes of North America books by Rebecca Johnson- Walk in the Boreal Forest, Walk in the Desert, Walk in the Tundra- there are at least six or seven. They are not dry at all, and often talk in second person which my daughter really likes since it makes her feel like she is "walking in the forest" herself.

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I just posted these in a similar thread.  :)  I thought they may be what some of you are looking for as well. 


These Horrible box sets look great!  - I had the wrong one.  It's fixed now.




This scientist in the field series looks good: 




Also, I found this list which lists Common Core Text Exemplars and there is a listing for informational texts for each grade. 



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For older kids, my dd12 is enjoying Tiner's Exploring the History of Medicine. We haven't tried any of his other books yet, but I'm planning to try some more of them when she finishes this one. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=tiner+Exploring&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Atiner+Exploring


We like the books by Clara Dillingham Pierson and Thornton Burgess too. I was really surprised at how much ds10 liked the Burgess Bird book when we red it last year. I thought he'd be put off my the old-fashioned language, but he has become a huge birding enthusiast. He loves this time of year in FL, because he can point out all the robins and other songbirds that are away up north for the rest of the year.

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My ds has read almost all of the science books by Tiner. I have made up our own science studies for this year. I saw the Tiner books in the Memoria Press curriculum.


He has thoroughly enjoyed all the ones he has read. He constantly comes and states facts he learned and talks about them at a later date. That is the sign of a great book for curriculum!

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