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Hide 'em in Your Heart (or other music?) for scripture memory


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Has anyone used this?  We've been using the SCM scripture memory system for our memory work.  While I like it for the poems and other things we memorize, we've had a hard time retaining the scripture…  (In all honesty, I think we're supposed to read them 3x a day, and we're hitting it mostly once…  I just haven't managed to figure out how to do our "together" work with us all actually together. ;))  I'm thinking that music might be something that would help us.  Has anyone used this CD?  Steve Green is the musician.  I'm curious!  

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We have;) We played them when my kids were young. Nice music. I also like Dana Dirksen's music. It's Questions and Answers and uses verses... and there are ones for little kids, too. (ABC's and maybe a number one?) Her voice is pleasant and her kids compliment it. :) It'd be great to have a good thread about pleasant bible memory songs ;)

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I haven't used that one but my family really likes Seeds Family Worship cds.  We don't have a structured time to try and memorize but we just listen in the car and it sinks in!


Us too.

I'm a huge Seeds Family Worship fan-girl. :D  They also have free printables available for each song/album.

We just listen to them in the car and they are catchy (not annoying kid-sy at all).

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Thanks for the suggestions!!



I haven't used that one but my family really likes Seeds Family Worship cdsWe don't have a structured time to try and memorize but we just listen in the car and it sinks in!

Yeah, we're just not at a place right now (with the number of children, distractions, whatever) for a "structured" memory time.  (Or maybe it's just not my style…?)  And music just really sticks with my kids.  Thanks!!

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I haven't listened to Seeds yet, but my kids LOVE the Hide 'Em in Your Heart CD's (the Praise and Worship one is our favorite) and listen to them all the time. They are fabulous, though DH and I chuckle at the 80's style of music. But of course our kids don't care about that at all (and neither do we, frankly - we were teenagers in the 80's - LOL!). There's nothing better than music for memorizing ANYTHING!


(In all honesty, I think we're supposed to read them 3x a day, and we're hitting it mostly once…  I just haven't managed to figure out how to do our "together" work with us all actually together. ;))

Yeah, we're just not at a place right now (with the number of children, distractions, whatever) for a "structured" memory time.  (Or maybe it's just not my style…?)  And music just really sticks with my kids.  Thanks!!


Also, you didn't actually ask for help with this directly but I'll chime in on it anyway to hopefully encourage you. We also use the SCM scripture memory system. It's not really "formal", and it's not part of our school day - we just do it at the breakfast table every day of the week (either during the meal or right after), when everyone is together, and it has become part of our family's daily rhythm, without association with school at all. My just-turned-2yo is even learning the verses along with the 6yo and 4yo, though of course she just gets in a few words here and there for now. We memorize bits at a time of each verse or passage (one phrase per day or whatever they can handle) until each passage is sufficiently memorized, and then we move it back in the box and go on to the next one. It usually only takes about 15 minutes, depending on how much I have to explain if there's a word or concept they don't understand, and how many distractions we have with little ones being little ones! We just roll with it and trust that they are indeed hiding God's word in their hearts even if it doesn't seem like it on some days! We don't have a schedule like one per week or anything - just memorize one verse/passage and when that's done go on to the next. We do some short verses, entire Psalms or longer passages, and some in between. I just try to mix it up so they're getting a varied diet of Bible content and passages of different lengths. I've found their retention to be very good - certainly as good as anything else they memorize. And again, we only do it once per day. Hope that helps. :-)

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We have;) We played them when my kids were young. Nice music. I also like Dana Dirksen's music. It's Questions and Answers and uses verses... and there are ones for little kids, too. (ABC's and maybe a number one?) Her voice is pleasant and her kids compliment it. :) It'd be great to have a good thread about pleasant bible memory songs ;)

I just want to thank you so much for mentioning this!!  I was able to listen to an entire CD - for FREE! - this morning.  The kids and I all loved it!  This would be the style most likely to appeal to my musical, yet, um…quite particular DH. :D


I haven't listened to Seeds yet, but my kids LOVE the Hide 'Em in Your Heart CD's (the Praise and Worship one is our favorite) and listen to them all the time. They are fabulous, though DH and I chuckle at the 80's style of music. But of course our kids don't care about that at all (and neither do we, frankly - we were teenagers in the 80's - LOL!). There's nothing better than music for memorizing ANYTHING!



Also, you didn't actually ask for help with this directly but I'll chime in on it anyway to hopefully encourage you. We also use the SCM scripture memory system. It's not really "formal", and it's not part of our school day - we just do it at the breakfast table every day of the week (either during the meal or right after), when everyone is together, and it has become part of our family's daily rhythm, without association with school at all. My just-turned-2yo is even learning the verses along with the 6yo and 4yo, though of course she just gets in a few words here and there for now. We memorize bits at a time of each verse or passage (one phrase per day or whatever they can handle) until each passage is sufficiently memorized, and then we move it back in the box and go on to the next one. It usually only takes about 15 minutes, depending on how much I have to explain if there's a word or concept they don't understand, and how many distractions we have with little ones being little ones! We just roll with it and trust that they are indeed hiding God's word in their hearts even if it doesn't seem like it on some days! We don't have a schedule like one per week or anything - just memorize one verse/passage and when that's done go on to the next. We do some short verses, entire Psalms or longer passages, and some in between. I just try to mix it up so they're getting a varied diet of Bible content and passages of different lengths. I've found their retention to be very good - certainly as good as anything else they memorize. And again, we only do it once per day. Hope that helps. :-)

Thank you for your suggestions!  I am sure that the problem is mostly me, and a lack of consistency.  And, ya know, *I* have a difficult time memorizing…. So, I guess that doesn't mean that it doesn't work.  Could be my still slightly postpartum brain. ;)


I get thrown off the routine I'd like because our church sends the kids home with weekly memory verses.  I just think we often need more than a week.  Or I don't like the particular verse because there's no context….  Okay, that's another thread, another problem. lol

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We LOVED Hide 'em In Your Heart... until we found Seeds Family Worship!! Seriously, I think they are amazing and my kids love them, too. We still go back to HIYH, but to me those seem kind of babyish compared with SFW. With SFW I can enjoy them as much as my kids can.

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Seeds of Courage has...I'm skipping the story for reasons of student privacy



Joyful Noise is oldschool, but this collection is extensive and it works. We did sing hymns, but my boys also were reared on a lot of KJV scripture songs and metrical psalms.


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The Rizers!!!


I linked to some of their videos on YouTube in my epic link list...Here is a direct link to the post. Scroll down, post 2, under "The Rizers". Beneath that is a section called "Scripture Memory Songs" with links to a few Seeds Family Worship songs.


I like SFW, but my kids don't enjoy them as much as they do The Rizers. The Rizers are more...upbeat, dance-y pop, I guess. All good stuff.


PS -- Has anyone heard Galatians 5:22-3 set to the tune of the alphabet song? I searched high and low for that one on YouTube and can't find it anywhere. My 5yo LOVED that song when they sang it in preschool last year.

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