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8/16 exercise thread

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I'm always scared to start this thread because the first couple times I did someone else did too!


Anyway, I ran 3.1 miles today!!


I also found out the exact distance and leg of the marathon that I'm running. I'm doing the 5.9 (thought it was 5.8) and it's the final leg, not the third leg. The final leg just feels so exposed, not anonymous, KWIM? I wanted to do the third or fourth leg - they're so much further out - I figured nobody would see me! Ack. This is just going to mean I need to change how I think about the race. It's such a mental game for me that this really threw me last night!!!

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Well, I did! And, MY time stamp says 9:12 and YOURS says 9:16. So there. I beat you by 4 minutes!!! :)


What I want to know is why doesn't anyone see my thread when I start it? This is the second time this has happened to me! Oh well!


I'll go now and read your update . . . you can search for my thread and read mine! If I have time, I'll cut and paste it into here! :)

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I'm always scared to start this thread because the first couple times I did someone else did too!


Anyway, I ran 3.1 miles today!!


I also found out the exact distance and leg of the marathon that I'm running. I'm doing the 5.9 (thought it was 5.8) and it's the final leg, not the third leg. The final leg just feels so exposed, not anonymous, KWIM? I wanted to do the third or fourth leg - they're so much further out - I figured nobody would see me! Ack. This is just going to mean I need to change how I think about the race. It's such a mental game for me that this really threw me last night!!!


Jennifer, you'll be fine! Just go out there and have fun! Do your best. AND you might be surprise how everyone cheering you on might help. When I did my tri, everyone cheering at the end helped me finish strong. I know you'll do great! :)

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Well, I did! And, MY time stamp says 9:12 and YOURS says 9:16. So there. I beat you by 4 minutes!!! :)


What I want to know is why doesn't anyone see my thread when I start it? This is the second time this has happened to me! Oh well!


I'll go now and read your update . . . you can search for my thread and read mine! If I have time, I'll cut and paste it into here! :)


When I searched, they both popped up...I posted on yours too! Now what do we do? Double post all day....:)

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When I searched, they both popped up...I posted on yours too! Now what do we do? Double post all day....:)


Do you remember when we did this last week, Scarlett? Out time stamps were a minute a part so we were posting at the same time. How do I manage to do that?:confused:


Double posting works for me!:)

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I'm always scared to start this thread because the first couple times I did someone else did too!


Anyway, I ran 3.1 miles today!!


I also found out the exact distance and leg of the marathon that I'm running. I'm doing the 5.9 (thought it was 5.8) and it's the final leg, not the third leg. The final leg just feels so exposed, not anonymous, KWIM? I wanted to do the third or fourth leg - they're so much further out - I figured nobody would see me! Ack. This is just going to mean I need to change how I think about the race. It's such a mental game for me that this really threw me last night!!!


I wish I could run 3.1 miles! Great job...I need to go back and read your post about how long you've been doing this....but anyway, you are doing great...I have yet to run ONE mile without stopping.


When is the marathon?

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After two days off from brisk walking I did 5.3 miles this morning.

It felt great, and my rib didn't hurt. I am hoping my two days of rest helped it to reposition itself. I have learned that push ups are probably causing the rib to pop. I consider this a great reason not to do push ups:001_smile:

I also worked in the garden for an hour. I took out all the plants that have finished producing and did some weeding. I also tied up some tomatoes so the fruit is not resting on the ground. I didn't have breakfast until 10:30. It is an absolutely beautiful day here today. I am hoping to get to the community swimming pool later.

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After two days off from brisk walking I did 5.3 miles this morning.

It felt great, and my rib didn't hurt. I am hoping my two days of rest helped it to reposition itself. I have learned that push ups are probably causing the rib to pop. I consider this a great reason not to do push ups:001_smile:

I also worked in the garden for an hour. I took out all the plants that have finished producing and did some weeding. I also tied up some tomatoes so the fruit is not resting on the ground. I didn't have breakfast until 10:30. It is an absolutely beautiful day here today. I am hoping to get to the community swimming pool later.


How long does it take you to walk 5.3 miles? Great news that your rib feels better.....

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How long does it take you to walk 5.3 miles? Great news that your rib feels better.....

It takes about 70-75 minutes. Sometimes I run a bit so I get it done a little faster. Today I stopped to talk to a neighbor who is undergoing cancer treatment so I didn't get to note my time. Mainly I have to remind myself to keep up the pace when I am walking outside(this is not a problem on the treadmill) Also where we live is very flat so I have no hills to climb. We live at sea level so breathing here is also easier. If I tried to walk in Denver or something it would probably be impossible.

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I'm always scared to start this thread because the first couple times I did someone else did too!


Anyway, I ran 3.1 miles today!!


I also found out the exact distance and leg of the marathon that I'm running. I'm doing the 5.9 (thought it was 5.8) and it's the final leg, not the third leg. The final leg just feels so exposed, not anonymous, KWIM? I wanted to do the third or fourth leg - they're so much further out - I figured nobody would see me! Ack. This is just going to mean I need to change how I think about the race. It's such a mental game for me that this really threw me last night!!!


Good job on the run.


I think I would be nervous running the anchor too. But just think, you'll get to run across the finish line! You'll do great on it.


I ran 2.5 today in 27 minutes. It was a chilly 71 out still at 9:30 (unheard of here in August) so I was kind of hoping I could do better. Perhaps if my foot hadn't started inexplicably cramping up on me around 2 miles..... Who am I kidding, it was a pretty good run for me.

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I wish I could run 3.1 miles! Great job...I need to go back and read your post about how long you've been doing this....but anyway, you are doing great...I have yet to run ONE mile without stopping.



But you will get there. I was shocked the first time I ran 1/2 mile without stopping. I constantly need to remind myself how far I've come. I also find that once I've ran a longer distance than I have before that it makes it all seem easier - like my 2.5 today was easier since the other day I ran 3. You're doing great!

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The walking happened because 2km before the end we ran into my son who had our 13 yr old retriever with him. Somehow, I ended up with the old mutt after my son took off on his bike. She actually did okay for a few minutes but then we had to walk the rest of the way. (And I'm sure my 2yr Bernese Mountain dog was happy to oblige. They are not heat tolerant dogs.)


So I'm done exercising today.


I wish I could commit to some stretching/weight routine in addition to running. I am a very disciplined person but I can't wrap my around incorporating these aspects into my workout. Any ideas? I need some kind of routine ('cause I'm a routine kind of gal!)

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I ran at a different trail than I usually do, so I didn't know the distances as well. After I got home, and calculated, based on my typical pace, I realize how close I was to running six. :sad:


Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy to have run as far as I did. I couldn't have dreamed of running that long a few years ago. But I almost made one more lap around the lake, and if I would have, that would have been six miles. 5 & 3/4 is just....not a round number.

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I dropped the three older boys off at the fair to do their morning barn duties and then went for my weekly long run. I wanted to keep my pace down to 10 minute/mile because I've been training too fast. I want to focus more on stamina and I need to slow down to do that. But no matter how much I try, I keep running right around 8:45/min miles. What happens then is that I have to stop every mile or two and walk for a couple of minutes. Same thing happened today ~ plus it was already close to 80 and really humid so I was wilting. By mile 6 I had to break for a few minutes, get some water, and down another spoonful of Hammer gel.


Then I started running back home, which was another 4 miles. The last 2 are a long, straight stretch on a busy road with no shade and with one more measly mile to go, I actually had to stop at a neighbor's and call Hans to come and get me. I just could not force myself to run that last mile. I could've walked it, but it's so ding dang boring (and hot!) to walk along a road like that, so I just threw in the towel. So all in all I put in about 9 miles, again averaging that 9/min mile pace that I inevitably end up at (factoring in the minutes of walking here and there). Tomorrow's my day off and I feel pretty good about getting in 27 miles this week, despite the busy-ness of the fair.


Any-hoo, I am bushed.:tongue_smilie: I'm doing a four hour shift scooping ice cream at the dairy booth today so I've gotta get some energy! Have a great day, all!

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Then I started running back home, which was another 4 miles. The last 2 are a long, straight stretch on a busy road with no shade and with one more measly mile to go, I actually had to stop at a neighbor's and call Hans to come and get me. I just could not force myself to run that last mile. I could've walked it, but it's so ding dang boring (and hot!) to walk along a road like that, so I just threw in the towel. So all in all I put in about 9 miles, again averaging that 9/min mile pace that I inevitably end up at (factoring in the minutes of walking here and there). Tomorrow's my day off and I feel pretty good about getting in 27 miles this week, despite the busy-ness of the fair.


9 miles impresses the heck out of me. Great job.

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Well, I did! And, MY time stamp says 9:12 and YOURS says 9:16. So there. I beat you by 4 minutes!!! :)



:tongue_smilie: I just KNEW that would happen! It took me at least 10 to type it up, so I'm thinkin' I started first. Right? :lol:


Jennifer, you'll be fine! Just go out there and have fun! Do your best. AND you might be surprise how everyone cheering you on might help. When I did my tri, everyone cheering at the end helped me finish strong. I know you'll do great! :)


Thanks. I've been reading the message boards from the Detroit Marathon. Apparently, this leg is called Party Central because all the neighbors come out and cheer for you. I really do think this will help. I'm just not good with change. All along I'd been thinking I'd run through the tunnel - alone! So, this was quite a jolt! But, you're right - it will help keep me going!


I wish I could run 3.1 miles! Great job...I need to go back and read your post about how long you've been doing this....but anyway, you are doing great...I have yet to run ONE mile without stopping.


When is the marathon?


You WILL get there!!!! When I read about your hills, I'm SO impressed!!! I run on a completely FLAT road! I've been working out hard since January. Running outside since late March, early April (I forget exactly). I remember the day that I stopped walking - I just realized that it was easier to keep running than it was to start running again after a walk. I think that was in June. But, I was only going about 2 miles then.


The marathon is October 19.


After two days off from brisk walking I did 5.3 miles this morning.

It felt great, and my rib didn't hurt. I am hoping my two days of rest helped it to reposition itself. I have learned that push ups are probably causing the rib to pop. I consider this a great reason not to do push ups:001_smile:



Now that's a GREAT reason NOT to do pushups!! Yea - I'll dislocate a rib!!! Now I have an excuse!!! LOL


I have done that actually! My chiropractor was able to push it back in.


Good job on the run.


I think I would be nervous running the anchor too. But just think, you'll get to run across the finish line! You'll do great on it.


I ran 2.5 today in 27 minutes. It was a chilly 71 out still at 9:30 (unheard of here in August) so I was kind of hoping I could do better. Perhaps if my foot hadn't started inexplicably cramping up on me around 2 miles..... Who am I kidding, it was a pretty good run for me.


GREAT run!!! Seriously - you seem to have suddenly started improving! How is your foot now?


Thanks! Yea - I'm now kinda' excited at the thought of actually crossing the finish line! It's right near our church and there'll be time for the service to end and people to come to the finish to cheer. That makes me nervous and excited at the same time!!! (We have a church team!)


The walking happened because 2km before the end we ran into my son who had our 13 yr old retriever with him. Somehow, I ended up with the old mutt after my son took off on his bike. She actually did okay for a few minutes but then we had to walk the rest of the way. (And I'm sure my 2yr Bernese Mountain dog was happy to oblige. They are not heat tolerant dogs.)


So I'm done exercising today.


I wish I could commit to some stretching/weight routine in addition to running. I am a very disciplined person but I can't wrap my around incorporating these aspects into my workout. Any ideas? I need some kind of routine ('cause I'm a routine kind of gal!)


I went on line and found a schedule outlined for me. It was a site linked from the Detroit Marathon website under training. They have rest/cross train days worked into the routine. It works well for me!!


I ran at a different trail than I usually do, so I didn't know the distances as well. After I got home, and calculated, based on my typical pace, I realize how close I was to running six. :sad:


Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy to have run as far as I did. I couldn't have dreamed of running that long a few years ago. But I almost made one more lap around the lake, and if I would have, that would have been six miles. 5 & 3/4 is just....not a round number.


Oh don't you hate that!!!!?? I ran 4.8 yesterday. I was SOOOOO hoping it was 5. But, you did 5.75 miles!!! That's AWESOME!!!!!! And, now you know!


I dropped the three older boys off at the fair to do their morning barn duties and then went for my weekly long run. I wanted to keep my pace down to 10 minute/mile because I've been training too fast. I want to focus more on stamina and I need to slow down to do that. But no matter how much I try, I keep running right around 8:45/min miles. What happens then is that I have to stop every mile or two and walk for a couple of minutes. Same thing happened today ~ plus it was already close to 80 and really humid so I was wilting. By mile 6 I had to break for a few minutes, get some water, and down another spoonful of Hammer gel.


Then I started running back home, which was another 4 miles. The last 2 are a long, straight stretch on a busy road with no shade and with one more measly mile to go, I actually had to stop at a neighbor's and call Hans to come and get me. I just could not force myself to run that last mile. I could've walked it, but it's so ding dang boring (and hot!) to walk along a road like that, so I just threw in the towel. So all in all I put in about 9 miles, again averaging that 9/min mile pace that I inevitably end up at (factoring in the minutes of walking here and there). Tomorrow's my day off and I feel pretty good about getting in 27 miles this week, despite the busy-ness of the fair.


Any-hoo, I am bushed.:tongue_smilie: I'm doing a four hour shift scooping ice cream at the dairy booth today so I've gotta get some energy! Have a great day, all!


I gotta' say, I'd have quit when I found out it was humid and 80!!! Wow - 9 miles!! Good for you. What is Hammer Gel?


Great week!!!


OK OK OK I going. Will report back later after I finish. Why cant I just automatically be in shape and skinny and healthy and and and:glare:




Yea - Me too!!!!???


So, is anyone watching the marathon??? Holy cow! These women are FAST!!!!!!

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Jennifer and I started a thread at the same time this morning. :) I haven't been able to cut and paste my post from the other thread until now. It's been a busy day!


Great job to all the successes today! Maybe we should start giving out awards for who ran the farthest, longest time, most improvement, fastest? How many competitors do we have?:D Everyone is doing so great! I read through all the threads and feel wimpy!


Here's my post from this morning, since some of you didn't see the other thread:


I ran 6 miles today and it felt really good. I took a slower pace and ended up doing 10minute/mile. I got stopped by a train in my last mile, which happens all the time, but this one actually stopped on the tracks! I thought: "Surely it will go anytime!" But after waiting 20 minutes I decided to climb over it! I normally wouldn't be so reckless and daring, but dh had to go into work today and I needed to get back home with the kids since dd had a friend sleeping over!


Anyways, it was a good run!

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