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My brain is exploding. . . .talk me off the wall. . .

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My head hurts. A lot.


Dh is home (yay!). We just got done talking about our cross-country trip back to CT to see family and friends - we haven't been in 2 years. Trying to squeeze everyone in, so no one's feelings get hurt - I just don't know how we're going to do this. We have so little time, and so many obligations.


Also, dh is now upstairs, measuring the kitchen for new flooring. We've been talking about this for weeks - NOW it's getting done. Which is good.


So, in the next 11 days I have to:


• plan for and celebrate ds's birthday

• sell our old van

• teach school (oh, yeah, THAT!?)

• oversee a kitchen update, which must be done by day # 8

• plan for, pack for a cross-country trip

• sell our house??? (wishful thinking)


Tell me I can do this. Oh, and it preferrably needs to be with as little chocolate and junk food as possible, as I'd like to lose 10 lbs. before we leave!


:lol: :scared::willy_nilly::banghead:


That's me - all of the above.


I obviously have too much to do to be on the boards!!!! ;)

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We just got done talking about our cross-country trip back to CT to see family and friends - we haven't been in 2 years. Trying to squeeze everyone in, so no one's feelings get hurt - I just don't know how we're going to do this. We have so little time, and so many obligations.

BTDT It is enough to make a person not want to go visiting. (((hugs)))

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Ok, this can be done, but maybe not up to your normal standards.


First, do the birthday party at Chuck E Cheese or McDonalds so you can leave the mess and stress there.


Second, can the kitchen update wait until you return?


Third, price the van to sell and get ads in the Shopper or Penney Saver or whatever little paper you have for selling things.


Wear no clothes this week so you won't have to do laundry. Pack now. ;)


Unschool this week, or have child-lead schooling, or borrow a lot of educational dvds from the library and plop your dc in front of them. Whatever works!

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My head hurts. A lot.


Dh is home (yay!). We just got done talking about our cross-country trip back to CT to see family and friends - we haven't been in 2 years. Trying to squeeze everyone in, so no one's feelings get hurt - I just don't know how we're going to do this. We have so little time, and so many obligations.




You're wearing me out just reading this! Can you park your family somewhere and have everybody else come see YOU? Or can you at least combine some of those obligations so you get more bang for your buck, so to speak?


It doesn't sound like it will be fun or relaxing. :willy_nilly:

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You're wearing me out just reading this! Can you park your family somewhere and have everybody else come see YOU? Or can you at least combine some of those obligations so you get more bang for your buck, so to speak?


It doesn't sound like it will be fun or relaxing. :willy_nilly:


OH, readwiththem - don't even MAKE me go there! Don't even ASK me why my single mil can't seem to find $$ for a plane ticket down here, but she can take 2/3 trips every summer to go "find herself". Harumph.



No, it won't be fun. Or relaxing. That's why we haven't done it in 2 years. We're going to try to ask some friends to host a coookout for us, so we can see folks at once. . . . . . . . .


Sigh. Thanks for the sympathy.

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