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Quick questions on AoPS Algebra

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Actually, I have no idea .. We just complete algebra and I was wondering if algebra includes 1 and 2, what is AOPS intermediate algebra. and was told that intermediate algebra has algebra 2 and more but I don't know what chapters belongs to algebra 2.


So hopefully someone will answer and we'll both find out. :D


I searched through several AoPS posts and couldn't find that exact topic. 

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EL: for algebra 2, I believe polynomials are usually covered, which would be ch. 6-9 in Intermediate Algebra.

Also, ch. 13 on exponentials and logarithms which are only briefly touched on in Intro, and ch. 14 on radicals.

Ch. 1-4 in Intermediate are review from Intro.


Just curious: does it really matter?

I simply gave credit for algebra 1 for the entire Intro to Algebra text and credit for algebra 2 for Intermediate Algebra, being fully aware that this is not identical to scope and sequence of public school courses and my students did more. I think packaging math into nice one year parcels with specific labels is nonsense.


ETA: The question is a tricky one because schools group math very differently, Some teach a full year of precalculus, containing a semester of trigonometry and a semester of algebra (3), while others only do trig, or cram it together with algebra 2 into one year. So, what counts for "algebra 2" varies quite a bit from what I have seen.

So, where sequences and series are placed, and how deeply they are studied, depends on whether there is precalc or not. From a systematic point of view, I prefer an extensive treatment of sequences and series in precalculus, just prior to calc. OTOH, there are simple sequences and series on the SAT, so you'll want some in algebra 2. Now, Intro does some sequences/series, and intermediate goes deeper; if you really need t decide what goes where, I'd say the sequences/series in intro should suffice for alg 2, and the more extensive treatment in Intermediate could be part of precalculus. But again, this just shows how artificial those "packages" really are...

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My son used Saxon Algebra I (4th edition) last year at his charter school which is well mapped to most state Algebra I standards,   That course covered all the equivalent material in AoPS "Introduction to Algebra" except for chapters 12, 19, 20, 22. Saxon of course does not cover it in depth like AoPS so not one to one. It also covered probability and stats topics. 


Do you care to match your state standard or not?  If so all the standards are moving towards more integrated courses with topics which are covered in other AoPS books.


I am planning on using AoPS as a refresher for my son over the summer to prep him for AZ Algebra 2. 

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EL: for algebra 2, I believe polynomials are usually covered, which would be ch. 6-9 in Intermediate Algebra.

Also, ch. 13 on exponentials and logarithms which are only briefly touched on in Intro, and ch. 14 on radicals.

Ch. 1-4 in Intermediate are review from Intro.


Just curious: does it really matter?



I couldn't remember if the intro book was enough for algebra I and II or if you needed the Intermediate book (portions or all) to truly award a full credit. Does it matter? I don't know. We're doing Geometry right now and he doesn't like the layout of Lial's Intermediate Algebra. I'm not sure how he'll respond to AoPS and he does work slowly in math. He took a practice ACT a few weeks ago and math was his biggest issue, most of it being topics we had not covered yet. Did I read correctly that trig is not covered in the Intermediate book? I guess I'm used to a definite start and end point in math. Because he does work slowly, I like to have an idea of where we need to be to keep on track. 


My son used Saxon Algebra I (4th edition) last year at his charter school which is well mapped to most state Algebra I standards,   That course covered the all the equivalent material in AoPS "Introduction to Algebra" except for chapters 12, 19, 20, 22. Saxon of course does not cover it in depth like AoPS so not one to one. It also covered probability and stats topics. 


Do you care to match your state standard or not?  If so all the standards are moving towards more integrated courses with topics which are covered in other AoPS books.


I am planning on using AoPS as a refresher for my son over the summer to prep him for AZ Algebra 2. 


I'm not really concerned about state standards. I truly want him to understand the math, regardless of how far he goes in his study. My only real correlation issue is the ACT, which he will take next year. We can probably do a quick run through of trig with other sources if he's not quite there yet, but I'd like him to have a good foundation in algebra II skills by then. 

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