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Essential Oils and vitamins - 2 questions!


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Two things I'm presently thinking about lol...


EO wise, I don't know a ton.  I have gone on the doTerra and the other popular one's websites, and I end up feeling overwhelmed with info lol… like what EOs are super useful, like you just can't live without them?  

We don't have anything specific - seasonal allergies, kidney stones for me (which EOs won't help, I'm sure :) ), asthma and eczema for Astro, and that's really it.  There aren't any EOs to help focus, right?  :lol:  Or to help with mental health?  :P


My other question, regarding vitamins - what good ones are out there?  Right now we just get the off brand gummy ones at wm.  I'll be heading to the city tomorrow (we only have wm here, so if I want to get anything different immediately, I need to do it there lol!) and just was wondering if there were any good, reasonably priced vitamins out there that might be better than what we currently take?



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EOs for focus/mental health: Rosemary, Basil, Peppermint, Lemon, Sage or Clary Sage, Juniper berry and probably others. ;)


Vitamins: I'd probably just save my money. I do take supplements. But individual. Kids also, on an as needed basis. Mostly things like probiotics, Vit D and Vit C. Search for most bio-available if you are going to give kids a multi.

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I would not take EOs internally at all. One can find them in many products but those are particularly diluted. It is common to find herbs recommended for certain issues for centuries but that is not remotely the same as essential oils. I would not in any circumstances take essential oils internally on the advice of anyone who is selling for Young Living, doTerra or any similar company. They are sending people out with minimal advice and no real knowledge. This is terribly irresponsible. 





There are vitamins that can help focus Iron, Vit Bs, Vitamin D, all things your body needs.

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I would not take EOs internally at all. 

I have no intention of taking any internally.  :)  I'm just talking for general use.  


You should probably know that some of those oils can cause a miscarriage. 


Ancient, natural, remedies can be just as dangerous or even more dangerous as modern medicine.

I don't have anything to worry about on the miscarriage angle, since I've no intention of ever getting pregnant again and have taken measures to assure it doesn't happen.  ;)  


I'm not like a huge 'all natural' person but some people swear up and down by EOs, so I was just interested in trying some and seeing if anything seemed to do anything.  And I certainly think vitamins are important - right now I don't actually take any at all, though I'd like to.

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I have no intention of taking any internally.   :)  I'm just talking for general use.  


I don't have anything to worry about on the miscarriage angle, since I've no intention of ever getting pregnant again and have taken measures to assure it doesn't happen.   ;)


I'm not like a huge 'all natural' person but some people swear up and down by EOs, so I was just interested in trying some and seeing if anything seemed to do anything.  And I certainly think vitamins are important - right now I don't actually take any at all, though I'd like to.

I like essential oils, I have been using them for over ten years in homemade bath products, soaps, and cleaning supplies. I am allergic to many artificial perfumes so I had to look for alternatives.


There are some recipes on this site.




Nature's Way has a lot of good vitamins, I take a multivitamin from there.

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You should probably know that some of those oils can cause a miscarriage.


Ancient, natural, remedies can be just as dangerous or even more dangerous as modern medicine.

Miscarriage is not something I personally have to worry about. I am also aware of the dangers of natural - I have no intention of making myself a body creme out of poison ivy, for example. ;). The only oil I would think of using internally is Oil of Oregano, and by internally, I mean one drop on a sore tooth or under tongue - that stuff is strong!!!
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I have no intention of taking any internally. :) I'm just talking for general use.


I don't have anything to worry about on the miscarriage angle, since I've no intention of ever getting pregnant again and have taken measures to assure it doesn't happen. ;)


I'm not like a huge 'all natural' person but some people swear up and down by EOs, so I was just interested in trying some and seeing if anything seemed to do anything. And I certainly think vitamins are important - right now I don't actually take any at all, though I'd like to.

To the bolded, my point is that vitamins are important, but the gummies may or may not actually be doing anything. Personally, I would research the bio-availability of the vitamins. Many in stores are just basically a daily dose of candy.

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To the bolded, my point is that vitamins are important, but the gummies may or may not actually be doing anything. Personally, I would research the bio-availability of the vitamins. Many in stores are just basically a daily dose of candy.

Yeah, I wasn't meaning vitamins in the sense of the current multi vitamin - I just meant in general.

I had considered that the multivitamin from the store may not be all that awesome, which is why I wanted to look into something else, possibly - if it doesn't require breaking the bank. ;)  

I took Flinstones vitamins when I was pregnant because I couldn't keep prenatals down.  They were yummy, not gonna lie. ;)  :D  

I've gotten to the point where I have sort of a hard time swallowing pills.  It came at some point after I had to start taking them more often.  So anything I would get would have to be chewable, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

chemical forms of vitamins matter.  you want the most bioavailable. (and just because it's a prescription from your dr does not mean it is the most bioavailable.)  I have used the internet to find out the chemical name of what i want.  anything that isn't -your body will have to convert to the form it actually uses, and is left with waste products it then has to get rid of.  oh - and your body is using less than the label says because you have to convert it.  if it doens't list form - do not waste your money.


I buy specific brands, where ever I find them the cheapest.  usually amazon.


fish oil - we use nordicnaturals ultimate or pro omega (they are the same, one is "prescription" but both are available on amazon.)  and I use it for my 8yo.   liquid is better than gel-cap, but my son will only take the gel-cap. 

emerald laboratories b-healthy  (even if all you do is read the list of FORMS you should be able to find a few other brands, not many - but a few, that have the same forms.)  I had been taking a stress b complex, but when I started this one, after about 10 days it was like someone flipped a switched and turned things on.

emerald laboratories multiple - they have a selection of foci. i.e. pre-natal, over 45, etc.

vitamin d3 gel-tab - we take up to 4000IU's, or more, a day. (the 400IU  rda is a joke. that was back when they thought vitD only helped prevent rickets.  they've learned it is used in so many different parts of the body, and in such a way, there is some consideration in the medical community of reclassifying it as a hormone. your d3 level should be at least 50.)  for people who don't absorb d3 very well - there are drops that "real" pharmacies carry.   my daughter was doing 10,000 IU's and her levels barely budged, despite being "catastrophically low" (her providers words)  she uses drops.  if you are fair, or live in a northern latitude, do NOT underestimate the difference adequate d3 can make - even if you spend lots of time outdoors.  one oncologist said she never had a patient with levels above 30.


if you have kids that can't swallow - my son really liked the rainbowlight gummy bear essentials.


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Most of us have systems that are overly acidic. Working towards a system that is balanced or more alkaline is the key to overall health. These supplements are said to be very good for alkalizing the body.




my sister has a machine hooked up to her well that filters her water to alkaline. it is really cool. she told me by simply incorporating sodium bicarbonate with water (on an empty stomach) into my diet throughout my week would be beneficial in balancing my ph.

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I want to be you in my next life.


Do you know of a good B-complex?  Mine apparently falls short.  Thanks!

You're sweet  :grouphug:   :lol: .


With regards to a good B complex, I don't know. I would look into the brands I listed in my previous post. Vitacost is great and you can narrow your search - for example - one without soy or whatever. I try to avoid soy as much as possible. 

Editing to add:I don't take B vitamins anymore. Most of them make me nauseous and I believe in fewer supplements and more emphasis on a healthy diet. I still take several supplements, but mostly things like Magnesium, Bone Meal, etc. Again, minerals are what most of us are deficient in. 



my sister has a machine hooked up to her well that filters her water to alkaline. it is really cool. she told me by simply incorporating sodium bicarbonate with water (on an empty stomach) into my diet throughout my week would be beneficial in balancing my ph.

That's very interesting. How do you use it? Just baking soda and water - and if so, how much? 

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Yes. Just 1 teaspoon of baking soda in water daily (on an empty stomach). I'm sure you can google about it, but that is what my sister told me - so that is the dosage I use.


Here's an article:




I'm sure the internet has more to look through :)

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Yes. Just 1 teaspoon of baking soda in water daily (on an empty stomach). I'm sure you can google about it, but that is what my sister told me - so that is the dosage I use.


Here's an article:




I'm sure the internet has more to look through :)

Thanks so much. Off to read it. :)

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