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S/O Jan meal planning-Paleo/Low Carb meal planning


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Subscribing! I have to eat very low carb due to blood sugar problems. Tonight, we had San Francisco pork chops (food.com), and I had mine with julienned zucchini noodles. The amount of brown sugar in the sauce doesn't bother me, and I never add the cornstarch. I just cook it down until it caramelizes.

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Well idk how much it'll help because this is my first time doing this, but here is what I planned last night (mind you the Korean beef isn't low carb because it's served over rice, but I bought the ingredients and I'm making it). I'm only planning dinners too, since it's just dh and I most days and he is gone for breakfast and lunch (I make salads in a jar and send him a couple of boiled eggs and some low sugar fruits), and I generally do eggs or grain-free waffles or something for myself then snack on veggies and dip or apples/nut butter or leftovers for lunch.


Tonight - Thai chicken wraps


Wed - cooking a turkey and making collards and sweet potatoes


Thurs - making a soup/gumbo with leftover turkey (I'm saying soup cuz it won't be over rice, but gumbo cuz I'm putting gumbo goodies in it like sausage, okra and tomato)


Friday - Korean beef with jasmine rice and stir-fry broccoli


Sat - salads and leftovers


Sun - patty melts I make with ground sirloin, sautéed veggies and top with a little pepper jack, and stir-fried green beans


Monday - spaghetti squash with sausage and kale


Tuesday - baked mustard lime chicken (haven't decided on sides but will pick something out at the store today)


Since this is my first time doing this, I'm gonna work on more menus Sunday and go through next weekend, but I'm working with some things I have in my pantry for this week.

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I'm going to come back to this thread with my menu plan but I wanted to post this recipe for Ooopsie rolls. They are carb free and work really well when you want to have a sandwich or burger.




  • 3 large eggs
    1 packet of Splenda
    1 dash salt
    1 pinch cream of tartar
    3 ounces cream cheese




This recipe comes from Cleochatra's "The Lighter Side of Low Carb" blog. There is a lot more about these rolls there, including a recommendation for special pans to cook them in.


Preheat oven to 300 degrees.

Separate the eggs and add Splenda, salt, and cream cheese to the yolks. Use a mixer to combine the ingredients together.

In a separate bowl, whip egg whites and cream of tartar until stiff (if you're using the same mixer, mix the whites first and then the yolk mixture).

Using a spatula, gradually fold the egg yolk mixture into the white mixture, being careful not to break down the whites.

Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick spray and spoon the mixture onto the sheet, making 6 mounds. Flatten each mound slightly.

Bake about 30 minutes (You want them slightly softer, not crumbly). Let cool on the sheet for a few minutes, and then remove to a rack and allow them to cool. Store them in a bread sack or a ziplock bag to keep them from drying out.

Makes 6 @ about 85 calories a piece, >1 carb per.

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I always love some meal planning inspiration!


For New Year's Day, I made pork chops (marinated in EVOO, lemon juice & garlic then seared & roasted) with grilled sweet potato wedges (grilled on indoor electric grill).


Today we had oven baked barbecue chicken (chicken browned then topped with sauce and roasted) with mashed cauliflower and lime avocado cucumber salad (didn't have lime juice so used lemon; it was way too much salt for my tastes, next time I'll cut the salt in half).  


Coming up over the next few days, I have planned:


Mexican stuffed peppers


Sesame chicken stir fry (first time I'm trying this recipe - plan to substitute tahini for soy sauce and arrowroot powder for corn starch) with riced cauliflower (instead of brown rice)


Bacon cheeseburgers with fried onions (sans bun).  I'd like to find an interesting salsa or chutney type recipe to try topping it.  Not sure what I'll make for a side.


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I don't have a full month but here is my plan for part of next week.

Monday - Mahi Mahi with roasted veggies and sautéed artichoke hearts.

Tuesday - hamburgers with fixin's -lettuce, avocado, tomatoes, onions, etc, leftover roasted veggies

Wednesday- pot roast, roasted sweet potatoes, salad

Thursday - grilled pork loin, cauliflower fried "rice"

Friday- taco salad with guacamole


Lunches - mainly thrown together. Ground beef and roasted veggies with a little tahini and coconut amino drizzle. Salads with chicken strips or hard boiled eggs. Soups - generally boring, just cooked meat and veg thrown in broth, possibly with pesto or Parmesan stirred in.


Sunday prep:

Brown ground beef.

Bake several pounds chicken breasts.

Hard boil eggs for lunches or snacks.

Wash and prep veggies - garlic, onions, mushrooms, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, tomatoes, lettuce, kale, spinach, etc

Roast nuts for snacks

Make guacamole

Caramelize some onions.

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We aren't strict Paleo/low carb, I do make grains for the kids, but it's limited.

12/31-rump roast in my (new!) Dutch oven, brussel sprouts pan fried in bacon grease with bits of bacon (YUM!), cabbage/apple/peanut salad, roasted carrots, parsnips, and onion

1/1-15 bean/ground turkey/spinach, leftover carrot, parsnip, and onions, celery and garlic stew. I used beef broth from my roast to flavor the stew and it was SO good.

1/2-grilled steaks and chicken, quinoa, green salad, tomato and mozzarella salad with balsamic glaze

1/3-ground turkey, carrot, snap pea, red bell pepper, water chestnut, and celery lettuce wraps. I made a ginger/teriyaki type sauce for it. Quinoa, and cabbage/apple/peanut salad again

1/4-roast chicken in Dutch oven, roast potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, green salad

1/5-Mexican salad (ground beef, cheese, sour cream, avocado, tomatoes) for dh and I, kids will probably roll theirs up into a tortilla


Breakfasts are usually eggs and bacon, plain Greek yogurt with fruit, leftovers, or smoothies. We make pancakes for the kids once a week, but dh and I usually eat eggs. Sometimes I'll get bagels and cream cheese for the kids.


Lunches are leftovers, salads, deli turkey/cheese, chicken or egg salad, hummus with veggies, or avocado


Snacks are veggies with ranch, fruit, Greek yogurt, cheese, tortilla chips (kids) with guacamole or hummus


To drink we have whole milk (for kids), water, and coffee. Very rarely I'll buy juice. This week I got the Naked brand of green juice for the kiddos.

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