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How did your dd react to getting her p*riod?

Janie Grace

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Oldest dd is a bit of a drama queen so it was all very dramatic when she started at 13.  She needed ice cream, cute teenager supplies that didn't look like "mom stuff." and everyone had to go waaaaayyy out of their way to be nice to her.  Most of this came from her BFF who is an only child with a very dramatic mom.  She doesn't need any of those things now (at 19.)


Next dd had a rough first time.  We were on our annual beach camping excursion!  There we were, camping with primitive toilets, the ocean so you will be spending most of your time in a swimsuit and 25 other families from our church.  This dd is my no muss/ no fuss girl.  She is very athletic & just deals with it.  She & Dh went backpacking in Yosemite one year and climbed Half Dome while they were there.  The rules for disposal of used feminine hygiene items under those circumstances are not convenient at all.


Amber in SJ

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My ds asked me the other day why I looked kind of mad. I said I'm not mad, baby, I'm just annoyed about something I read earlier.


I was probably making some weird facial combination of sympathy and outrage while pondering what we gals and our daughters deal with, lol.


Anyway, I told my ds 11, in a general way about this thread. He knows about human reproduction including menstruation. At least as much as a boy his age can understand. He tried to imagine dealing with a period at his age, and the fact that some of his female teammates have to.


I think he started to grasp a little bit how charmed a life he lives, lol.

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I think he started to grasp a little bit how charmed a life he lives, lol.


:lol:  :lol:  My ds goes grocery shopping with me a lot. One day I needed to buy tampons and decided to give him the "how to treat your wife should you ever need to run to the store for her" speech. I showed him the vast selection of tampons, recommended he take a picture of the box with his phone at home to help him with the new purchase, because brand and size do matter. Then I suggested me make sure to in the pain reliever aisle and stock up.


I suggested he stop in the chocolate aisle and make a purchase as well, also noting favorite brand, size, and flavor. I also suggested it's better to call and double check if need be rather than to take home the wrong thing. He listened very intently.

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 My ds goes grocery shopping with me a lot. One day I needed to buy tampons and decided to give him the "how to treat your wife should you ever need to run to the store for her" speech. I showed him the vast selection of tampons, recommended he take a picture of the box with his phone at home to help him with the new purchase, because brand and size do matter. Then I suggested me make sure to in the pain reliever aisle and stock up.


The book for boys about puberty and the changing bodies that I had given DS also explains girls, and I was quite impressed that this specific issue was discussed in the book.

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:lol: :lol: My ds goes grocery shopping with me a lot. One day I needed to buy tampons and decided to give him the "how to treat your wife should you ever need to run to the store for her" speech. I showed him the vast selection of tampons, recommended he take a picture of the box with his phone at home to help him with the new purchase, because brand and size do matter. Then I suggested me make sure to in the pain reliever aisle and stock up.


I suggested he stop in the chocolate aisle and make a purchase as well, also noting favorite brand, size, and flavor. I also suggested it's better to call and double check if need be rather than to take home the wrong thing. He listened very intently.

This is awesome! I need to take ds for a similar trip to the grocery store. You are a fantastic future MIL. :)

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I can't imagine being happy about a messy, painful experience happening every month. I'm just relieved my oldest dd does not seem to be developing on my accelerated timetable. 


ETA: to the OP, I can understand a sixteen year old who was worried something might be wrong being relieved when her period finally started. But for the average girl, the entire experience is I think more of an annoyance than something to celebrate. 

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:lol:  :lol:  My ds goes grocery shopping with me a lot. One day I needed to buy tampons and decided to give him the "how to treat your wife should you ever need to run to the store for her" speech. I showed him the vast selection of tampons, recommended he take a picture of the box with his phone at home to help him with the new purchase, because brand and size do matter. Then I suggested me make sure to in the pain reliever aisle and stock up.


I suggested he stop in the chocolate aisle and make a purchase as well, also noting favorite brand, size, and flavor. I also suggested it's better to call and double check if need be rather than to take home the wrong thing. He listened very intently.

No way would my boys have stood around for that speech. :lol:


When my oldest was just departing for University, I took him to the supermarket for him to get his last few things- including deodorant. I took him to the isle where the condoms are kept and showed him how easy they are to find and buy. He just about died on the spot with embarrassment. :lol: :lol: Dh drove him the 400 km to  uni and after he came home he told me that he was going to buy ds some condoms just in case but couldn't bring himself to discuss it... I said don't worry I took him to the supermarket and showed him which isle they will be in. DH was sort of shocked that you can just get them in the supermarket nowadays and don't have to go the to chemist and ask the girl behind the desk to get them from some hidden draw.. the world has changed  in the last 30 years..... :laugh:



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My three girls ranged from 'whatever' to 'totally ticked off', which is typical of their individual personalities.   None were excited, though. I've been waiting for menopause for years and every month I am TICKED when I start a period. I'm 52 and SO READY TO BE DONE WITH THIS. 


I have a friend who had a party for her dd when she started- some of her adult friends all got together and lit candles and got in a circle and talked about what a great thing it is to be a woman. I declined the invitation to the party and my girls were aghast that everyone knew when this girl started her period and that they were having a party for it.  

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