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Common Ap Woes from the college

Blue Hen

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DS has been accepted to 5 of his 6 schools, but the one we're waiting for is his top choice. He met their Nov 1st early action deadline in early September so the wait has been long. The school told us in person DS would hear before Dec 15, and it was also stated on their website that early action decisions would be made prior to mid-December.


Yesterday morning very, very early one of DS's friends had an email from the school that he was accepted. Around 4:30 another one of DS' friends heard that she was accepted. Immediately after that DS received an email from the school --- thanks to the Common Ap the decision is being pushed out, possible to the end of January! Six weeks? And why were some kids notified but not others? 


As you might be aware, technical issues with the Common Application, which is used by XXXX and hundreds of other institutions, have delayed the process by which applications are processed and reviewed.


As a result of these delays, providing you with an admission decision will take longer than we originally anticipated. We want to assure you that XXXX is thoroughly reviewing your application for admission and intends to notify you of our decision no later than the end of January.


We appreciate your work to meet the November 1 priority deadline and can confirm that you are still receiving priority consideration for merit scholarships. If you applied to be considered for the XXX Scholars Program and/or for Honors and Scholars Programs, you are still receiving priority consideration for those programs as well.


We understand that you are anxious to hear from us and thank you for your continued patience while we give your application the attention it deserves. If you have questions, please contact us at


What's a mom or the applicant to do other than sit and wait?


PS --- Early Action is not binding. It is not the same as Early Decision. So the student can pursue other schools if they take the Early Action route.

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That is irritating! But I guess there is nothing you can do - at least the email states clearly that they acknowledge that he has submitted by November 1st.

Hang in there.

I agree.... Hang in there. Last summer, we had a several week wait for ds's AP scores, which thankfully did eventually materialize way after most kids got theirs. It was not a fun time, so I commiserate.



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Perhaps there are some parts of the common app that are more difficult for the school to see than other parts, and the school wishes to see those parts before making a decision about your particular child?  Or perhaps one particular admissions person is having trouble seeing the common app documents for his or her batch of applicants?  Or perhaps it makes a convenient excuse for some other type of problem?


At least they said "by the latest".  That means he might hear tomorrow or next week.


How annoying!




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I don't know what the common app problems are, but DD has run into this.  Several schools (including her first choice) have had difficulty with her transcript and letter from her counselor.  Other schools have not had problems with these items.  Her counselor says that there have been a lot of problems this year with the common app process.  

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That is definitely frustrating to say the least, but at least they did notify folks as to what is going on rather than just dragging everything out.


I feel sorry for many (both applicants and schools) with the issues the CA had this year!


Best wishes for a positive answer when you get it!


And you now have a great excuse to get more chocolate... or Mojitos... or both.

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What's a mom or the applicant to do other than sit and wait?

I just confirmed with FIT to sit and wait.  They have never even acknowledged ds's app.  I was going to wait until Thursday (exactly 3 months after ds applied) to call, but this thread got me curious.  I was told that they just started to receive apps from CA last Friday, and only 10 dribbled in.  And then there were blank parts of some of those. 


If we were truly interested in this school, I would have had ds fill out their online (non-CA) app a long time ago.  Is the CA the only way to apply to the #1 choice?  Of course if you apply another way, the 11/15 deadline is past.


I'm at least glad to hear that we are not the only ones.




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I just confirmed with FIT to sit and wait.  They have never even acknowledged ds's app.  I was going to wait until Thursday (exactly 3 months after ds applied) to call, but this thread got me curious.  I was told that they just started to receive apps from CA last Friday, and only 10 dribbled in.  And then there were blank parts of some of those. 


If we were truly interested in this school, I would have had ds fill out their online (non-CA) app a long time ago.  Is the CA the only way to apply to the #1 choice?  Of course if you apply another way, the 11/15 deadline is past.


I'm at least glad to hear that we are not the only ones.


The CA is THE only way to apply to this school. The coach said DS *should* get in, it's just frustrating to have to wait and wonder if that *should* is really a *yes he is in but I can't say that.*

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So is the only option now to do Common Ap online?  I know when my second was applying to colleges, I submitted all Common Aps by mail. 


Yes, the Common Ap online is the only way to apply to this school.


I've been calling their admissions office but "do to the heavy call volume we are unable to take your call at this time" message does not permit me to even leave a message let alone talk with a live person.  I suspect that most of their staff have left the office and are using up their vacation days before the end of the year.


I just went in and had no difficulty at the Common Ap site viewing my DS pdf application and no difficulty viewing my submitted documents. :crying:

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I'm pretty sure that most universities download the common ap's from the college board's system to their own system, rather than view them directly.  I remember seeing something on UNC's site about them having trouble getting their system to interface properly with the new (improved?) common ap system, so I suspect that your college is having similar problems.  Congrat's to the college board for once again making the lives of highschool students everywhere as miserable as possible!

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This year the student MUST submit the application online; there is no paper option for the student.


There IS a paper option for the school, so the guidace counselor rec / transcript / school profile etc can all be sent snail mail. we went this route this year and are very thankful we made that decision.


Recommenders can submit recs by paper, but the student must let the Common App know that they will be submitted by paper. Dd and her recommenders ran into all kinds of issues with the recs, and if I had another kid applying to college, I would request that he/she have all recs submitted on paper.

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I'm pretty sure that most universities download the common ap's from the college board's system to their own system, rather than view them directly.  I remember seeing something on UNC's site about them having trouble getting their system to interface properly with the new (improved?) common ap system, so I suspect that your college is having similar problems.  Congrat's to the college board for once again making the lives of highschool students everywhere as miserable as possible!

That is what I heard as well.


The CA did not give the individual schools time to check that their current systems were compatible with the new format. So many schools discovered it in September, or whenever the applications began to roll in.

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I'm pretty sure that most universities download the common ap's from the college board's system to their own system, rather than view them directly.  I remember seeing something on UNC's site about them having trouble getting their system to interface properly with the new (improved?) common ap system, so I suspect that your college is having similar problems.  Congrat's to the college board for once again making the lives of highschool students everywhere as miserable as possible!


This agrees with what I was told when I spoke with admissions yesterday. The College's admissions person said that when they downloaded to their system, many--but now all---of the student applications came in corrupted and unreadable from the Common App. They believe the problem has been solved.  He also confirmed that the admission notices would not go out prior to January 31st.  He also was not willing to accept a paper form of my son's application.


On the plus side, the CC has sent DS's fall grades out to the college showing once again that DS is on the Dean's List.  Hope that helps him receive the merit scholarship.

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OMG!  There is life!  Application downloaded 12/18/13!  Gosh.  I was just over at regentrude's mid year report thread.  Should I submit one?  I wonder if we would get their decision before they downloaded it.



My inclination is to say that you will need to submit the mid-year report even though your son has decided on a school. I'm guessing that it's one of those "check the box" things that even his chosen school will want to look at to make sure that he isn't slacking off big time.



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