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What do you do to help tummy aches accompanied by throwing up?


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We've got the stomach bug in our house. Thankfully, it hasn't been lasting long. But ds9 seems to have it the worse, so far. He's dry heaving and really complaining about his tummy hurting. I've given him a hot bath and a heating pad for his tummy, but it didn't help. What do you do to help? He just started early this morning, around 5ish. Ds3 started about 1 a.m. and he's already pretty much past the throwing up. That's about how long it lasted for the others that had it...around 8-12 hours.


I'm going to fix him some ginger and mint tea and give him sips of that and see if that helps, but what do you do in these situations? Any other suggestions?

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I would stop giving him anything. Ginger might calm the stomach, but I've found that stopping any stimulation to the stomach at all helps most. As long as he's not in danger of dehydration, then I have found waiting a couple hours before starting sips of water can help. But I'm not a medical professional. I would focus on distracting him--let him watch a movie or something and hope that he falls asleep. Or see if rubbing his hands or shoulders gently helps. (Just gives the brain another area to focus on.)

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He hasn't had anything since last night. I do the same. As soon as they start with the stomachaches, I avoid food & drink because that always seems to make it worse, unless of course, it's been going on for a while and I'm concerned about dehydration. But with the dry heaving, I'm wondering if maybe he's already a little dehydrated and maybe that's actually making his stomach cramp more...??? I don't know. I just feel bad for the poor kid.


I gave him a peppermint (seems I'm out of ginger *sigh*) and put in Harry Potter #1. He's never seen it before, so right now he's distracted with that.

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My kids are all big enough that the voluntarily take Pepto Bysmal - that almost always calms the cramps.  But your guys are really too little for that. 


When mine were small, just water was the best thing.  Cool (not cold) water in a water bottle that they could sip on seemed to be the safest thing for the tummy bug.

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even with vomiting, I keep giving liquids. Dehydration makes recovery so hard.


You don't want him taking in large amounts of liquids at once or anything that needs digestion. I might do small amounts of crushed ice to suck on. Eventually working up to popsicles that contain sugar, fruit juice, but not right away.

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Ds9 is plenty old enough for Pepto, but I don't have any. It expired, and I never bought any more 'cause I never use it. 


I'm brewing some tea right now, Celestial Seasonings Wellness: Sleepytime Extra. It has spearmint, chamomile & valerian in it, so that's about as good as I can get with what I have on hand. I'll let them both sip on that when it's done.


Ds3 is up and playing around, but ds16 has it now, too.  :(  Lovely Monday morning.

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I keep phenergan or Zofran on hand at all times. I don't give it all the time as sometimes it's best just to get the virus out of the system, but when they need it, it makes them feel much better.


I'm not familiar with Zofran, but isn't phenergan require a prescription?

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Huh. I have no idea. I guess it's my crazy computer. It seems to revel in causing problems lately.

its showing up 2 font sizes for me :-) weird!


I have ds5 down with the stomach bug too. Waiting for the other 2 kids to get it any moment. ugh.


I do sips of water and heavy peach syrup if they ask for something. If they don't ask I give nothing. I'd rather them drink and puke than dry heave but we haven't ever gotten to that point. 

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Ds9 is doing better. He's been able to keep some liquids down, though he's still not feeling well.


Ds16 is much better. Didn't hit him that hard at all. Started later than ds9 and is already pretty much over.


This southerner has never heard of peach syrup. But I gave heard of giving warm Jello, which I think would be similar. My MIL did that. I may let ds9 have that tonight.

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