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Fitbit or Body Bugg


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I've never used a Body Bugg but I absolutely love my Fitbit!  Ds, dd and I all have them.  Dd's is a bit more sophisticated (Fitbit One) than ds' and mine (the Fitbit Zip).  We are in a group together so that we can see each others step numbers (you can set what is shared) and it has sparked friendly competition between us which is getting my computer geek out of his chair much more!  

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Used both…Fitbit is 1000x easier/better IMHO.  Even the zip is great.  You can tell your steps without having to sync…software is great… worked wonderfully. More comfortable too…can hook it on your bra, waistband, etc.  <3 my Zip.  Plus, they have great customer service. I lost mine and emailed to see if they had a discount, and they just sent me a new one.  Buy a pedometer leash though. :)

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Coming up on two years with my fitbit and I love it. When I wear pants with a pocket that's where I put it. When I cycle I attach it to my shoe.  I receive an email when the battery is running low ( I often forget so that's helpful). I went on a ten day trip and didn't have to charge it...I love this thing. 


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I have the fitbit One and love it, but if you do a lot of yoga or other non- walking activities for exercise, then you need to be aware that it will not register these activities as well as a regular heart rate monitor. But for measuring daily steps and altitude/stairs climbed, it is wonderful.


I do a lot of yoga and weight lifting, so I wear a Polar FT4 during these activities to measure calories burned.


My fitbit has a clip holder, and I wear it on my bra; DH chuckles when I do a "bra check" when we are out jogging.


My MIL also has one and wears it constantly, she says it is the best health-relayed purchase she has ever made.


If you do get a fitbit, I recommend the One as it has the best reliability of the various fitbit models.

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Thanks everyone for your replies.  I do do a lot of yoga actually.  I wear a polar HRM but I am wanting something for 24 hours. Today I did Jillian Michaels meltdown and burned 230 calories.  I wonder if I could wear both and just the HRM during my workouts.

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I have both the Fitbit Zip and the BodyMedia Fit arm band (the successor to the Body Bugg which isn't made anymore, but it's basically the same thing).  I've had the Fitbit for 2 months and the arm band for 3 weeks.


Long story short, I actually think I like the (much cheaper) Fitbit better.  I am able to check my steps, distance and calories on the screen at any time without needing to be near technology (Wifi, etc.).  Also, everyone is different, but comparing how much weight I should have lost based on the tracker data and the amount I actually lost, I found the Fitbit to be extremely accurate.  I do have a heart rate monitor, so I use that to get an accurate reading for workouts (since the Fitbit can't accurately measure non-step-based exercise).  The two combined have been perfect.  I have a MyFitnessPal account for logging food, and my Fitbit is paired with it.  I log my workouts in MyFitnessPal with the calories reflected on my heart rate monitor.  This info. automatically syncs to Fitbit, where it adds those calories to my daily total (reflected on the device too!)


All that said, I thought the grass would be greener with the BodyMedia band.  I can wear it all day so I don't have bother with my heart rate monitor.  It records all activity, so I know I am getting credit for washing dishes and making dinner, even if I'm not taking steps.  Unfortunately for me, it overestimates my calorie burn by 250-300 calories over the Fitbit/heart rate monitor combo.  So, while the activity tracking is more accurate, the calculated burn rate seems to be off for me.  I've solved this by setting it at a higher deficit than I want to account for those extra calories.  It may be more accurate for others.  Also keep in mind that it is worn on your upper arm, definitely at least partially exposed when wearing short sleeves, and the bump is visible under moderately-snug long sleeves as well.  Only an issue if you are shy about advertising the fact that you are counting your calories!


My main annoyance is the $7 monthly fee with BodyMedia without much benefit over Fitbit in the way of charts, graphs and data analysis.  Fitbit emails me a free weekly report detailing my data for the week as well as daily averages.  You can also see a week or month's worth of data at a glance on the website or app.  With BodyMedia, you have to download the report, it is not visible on the app (past days' data is visible, but not in a weekly or monthly format).


If you really only want to have one device that is fairly accurate, have regular access to a smart phone to check data and don't mind the monthly fee, BodyMedia might be the easiest, "wear-it-and-forget-it" device.


If you aren't such a stickler for accuracy and/or don't always have access to syncing technology and want something discreet that you can wear in multiple locations, the Fitbit Zip or One are the best options.  The Fitbit is very motivating as you check it throughout the day to see if you've met your goals.  Having three goals (steps, distance and calories) pushes me to keep walking until I've hit them all (I'm 5'4", and I can easily hit 10k steps without reaching 5 miles).  I haven't tried the new Fitbit Force, which is worn on the wrist.  This is handy if you don't want to check under your clothing to peek at the Zip or One, but it does take up space on your wrist that you might prefer to use for a watch or jewelry.  It is also somewhat less accurate because it will record some arm movements.


If you don't mind putting on a heart rate monitor chest strap for workouts and then logging that info., that combined with a Fitbit, at least in my experience, is the most accurate combo.



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