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Opinions on Trampolines

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We've owned a trampoline for 2yrs and really enjoyed it! It wasn't well made and fell apart several times. When a strong storm came through we disassembled it. A strong gust a wind can move a trampoline several hundred yards away. (We actually saw one on a second story rooftop.) They're quite capable of knocking down more than one fence in its movement.


That being said, my girls are gymnasts. They specialize in power tumbling and trampoline. Their coach said they are NEVER allowed to do their tricks on a private trampoline. Period. They'll be kicked off the team. What they do is dangerous and lack of adequate spotting could result in injury or death.


As much as we loved having one, we'll not own another trampoline.

Check with your insurance company to ensure your homeowner's policy will allow.

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We have one with the agreement that if my dh conceded to let me get one I have to do an hospital runs. LOL There hasn't been one yet. Knocking on wood quickly here. No flips allowed. As long as you have an enclosure I think they're good. My boys certainly burn lots of energy on it.


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Won't even consider it. We have several friend's kids who have had serious injuries on trampolines. One broke a growth plate, one broke a leg and another was either a wrist or an arm. These don't include all the near misses. Each person was jumping alone, and just hit wrong.


I was talking to and ER doc once and he said that if you get out of rhythm with the trampoline and hit it when it is coming back up at you, it is the same force as hitting concrete.

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I know I didn't explain it because it was late, but this is exactly what I was thinking when reading all the "stats" on trampoline injuries. Is this some bad rap because someone has gummed on to trampolines and let loose in various magazines, media and even, yes, medical journals? ?


I know what you mean.

The American Academy of Peds has a web site that weighs in on safety in sports. They advise no home trampos. Only with a trained coach, not a parent in a back yard.


Personally, I wouldn't have one.


I would also (gently) ask the OP: what electronic toys/TV/ etc does their child use instead of "going outside like they used to". Just a guess there is something like that going on....

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