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It's 3:00am

Night Elf

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And I've been wide awake since 1:30am. I have to feed the dogs at 6:30am, drive youngest dd to school at 7:45am, and then drive DH to a medical procedure at 9:45am. I'll have to sit and wait, I don't know how long, then drive him home. I have a feeling I'm going to be dragging myself along from place to place today.

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I hate nights like that - and, of course, thinking about how exhausted you are going to be all day does not help to lull you back to sleep. I know how horrible not sleeping is...


Can you shift things around? Put food put for the dogs now and let dd get to school half an hour late (they're likely not doing much this close to Christmas)? I sometimes take a headache tablet that makes me a little drowsy, which is often enough to let me fall asleep again.

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I hate that, but I go through long periods of insomnia. I make sleep my biggest priority when this is going on. For me, that means going to bed earlier than I want because I know I will wake in the night for hours at a time. One thing I have found recently that helps a lot is keeping my ipad next to my bed with the earbuds in it. When I wake up, I listen to a TED talk, and that helps me relax enough that I can go back to sleep. Lately, I've been waking up multiple times, but getting back to sleep pretty quickly by doing this.


Anyway, I feel for you. I could go without sleep when I was young, but now it is absolute misery for me. I hope you get a good rest tonight!

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