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Keeping extroverts satisfied in winter.


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We've had some terrible weather lately, resulting in multiple cancellations of activities. My extroverted dd is driving me bonkers. She acts like it's my fault that we've gotten iced in 3 days in a row.


How do I handle this?


We have activities planned for the week, but....guess what? Possibility of more freezing rain in our area.


I think her plan is to make everyone else as unhappy as she is!

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:grouphug: I would put her to work; that is always my go to for fussing.  She could wrap gifts, clean something or go to her room with a disagreeable attitude.  



Have you tried reasoning and asking her what she expects you to do?  Ear plugs or simply not hearing anything close to fussing also works. 


We can go out, but we have to shovel our way out of the driveway first...again.  I'm so hoping this weather warms up...soon.


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:grouphug: I would put her to work; that is always my go to for fussing.  She could wrap gifts, clean something or go to her room with a disagreeable attitude.  



Have you tried reasoning and asking her what she expects you to do?  Ear plugs or simply not hearing anything close to fussing also works. 




Well, the thing is this, they rescheduled one thing for this morning, but we have piano this afternoon.  I can't run around all morning and all afternoon and hope to get any school and my part-time and farming work done. She refuses to see the problems, saying I am making excuses.


I basically just told her the issues, tried to get her to understand it and then said (in frustration) well, you're

just going to have to get over it.

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I think you're spot on then.  Realizing you aren't the 100% central focus of the family can be difficult for some kids, but it is a life lesson everyone needs to understand.

Well, the thing is this, they rescheduled one thing for this morning, but we have piano this afternoon.  I can't run around all morning and all afternoon and hope to get any school and my part-time and farming work done. She refuses to see the problems, saying I am making excuses.


I basically just told her the issues, tried to get her to understand it and then said (in frustration) well, you're

just going to have to get over it.


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