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TMI Yeast infection, probiotics used internally?

Miss Peregrine

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IDK too. I was told to use plain yoghurt 'internally' and it supposedly clears the infection effectively - but I did not want to try it. When I get yeast infections, I take the S. Boulardii strain of beneficial yeast along with my regular probiotic. I use the jarrow brand's S.Boulardii. here is the product link: http://www.jarrow.com/product/265/Saccharomyces_Boulardii_MOS


ETA: as the PP said, cut out all sugar in your diet (and simple carbs too) until it clears up.


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Hope you are better this morning.


I've done this a few times and it does dissolve. Seems to cause a slight burning feeling probably since you are applying it directly to the infected area.


Yeast Assassin is my favorite oral product for infections.

It feels so much better for several hours then comes back with a vengeance. I heard to use the capsules before bed but I am doing them continuously. I will check out the link, thank you.


What is really bothering me is that DH and I stayed in a hotel Sun- Mon for our anniversary. Monday night after we got home is when it started. :/ I don't actually know if it us yeast. I hope. I don't want to think about what else it could be.

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The one-dose ones still take a couple of days to work.  I prefer the three-day, because the one-day always makes me nervous.  It IS awful!  I've had chronic infections for decades.  The last two years my ob-gyn gives me refillable one-time antifungal pills, which are awesome

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The yogurt/ probiotic didn't help too much. I texted DH and he picked some Monistat up for me on the way home at 5 am. <3 What a guy!


It is a one time use thing and hoo boy! OMWord I am nearly in tears. This is horrible. I had to go sit through The Nutcracker with my girls this morning. I need to scream!

I can't tolerate Monistat or any miconozale. Holy burning pants Batman!!! I use clotrimazole (GyneLotrimin brand name) which is harder to find but doesn't feel like my insides are en fuego! CVS and Walgreens have it but not Target around here.

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I can't tolerate Monistat or any miconozale. Holy burning pants Batman!!! I use clotrimazole (GyneLotrimin brand name) which is harder to find but doesn't feel like my insides are en fuego! CVS and Walgreens have it but not Target around here.

I had no idea it would do this. I just told DH to get some Monistat for me. He went to sleep and I started feelin' the burn. I looked up the reviews on Amazon. Yep. Some of them were hilarious.


If there is a next time I will definitely look for the other brand.


DH. Bless. His. Heart.

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I can't tolerate Monistat or any miconozale. Holy burning pants Batman!!! I use clotrimazole (GyneLotrimin brand name) which is harder to find but doesn't feel like my insides are en fuego! CVS and Walgreens have it but not Target around here.


I only have issue with the one day version, the 3 or more days aren't as uncomfortable.

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