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Daius Interruptus

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Does anyone else find their days are stuck on "interrupt"? If I try to do my own homework at home, I get interrupted. If I try to help one child with their

schoolwork, the other interrupts because they don't understand their schoolwork. Or the dog needs to go out. Or my husband calls asking me to look

something up for him. Or. Or. Or. We're already slightly behind in math and language arts for both, and have no true science to speak of for the youngest.

I would just like to not feel constantly interrupted or constantly overwhelmed.


mostly venting here. Thanks for letting me. But if you have kind suggestions, I'll gladly consider them!

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I'm pretty sure I am incapable of forming a complete thought anymore. Parental onset ADD, maybe? Not to minimize true ADD suffering, but I used to be able to start and complete a task in one go - now, it takes me a couple hours to even clean the kitchen because even if I'm not being interrupted by children, pets, or husband, I think of something that I "needed" to do and *I* interrupt myself!! It's quite annoying.

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I just want to be able to finish a sentence without being interrupted. I feel like I'm brain dead for not ever being able to complete a thought. And I constantly forget what I was doing.


Apparently I've started holding up my hand and saying "pause" when my kids walk up to me. (Must be habit from violin teacher and violin practice time). This week my 2 year old walked up to me while I was talking, tapped me on the arm, and shouted "pause" in my face. Sigh...I'm losing my mind!

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Diarrhea is the answer. My 4-year old has a wicked case of it this week. It has been the perfect interruption to our regularly-scheduled programming. My husband has taken over most other duties, and I've just cocooned in my bed with her. Since she has, blessedly, reached the critical age/stage of knowing when it's coming and is capable of getting to the toilet on her own, my main job is to keep her supplied with fluids and Miquon and Explode the Code. All she wants to do is "play school" and card games (which, sneakily, involve lots if learning). No interruptions for us this week - just fun & games and TLC. Dishes aren't done, beds aren't made, and laundry is piling up, but cuddling with my little one has been just the interruption I needed! 

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