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Thought you all might enjoy hearing about my day:)

Flowing Brook

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This morning I woke up early to put a roast in my old crock pot. I then proceeded to put the kids in front of video games so I could eat my bon bons and watch television uninterrupted. We then went grocery shopping for company tonight. As I was packing groceries I put the three year old in charge of putting the shopping cart in the empty parking space next to the car.  When we got home I planned my Christmas shopping. We are doing all electronics this year. The kids don't play with anything else anyways.  Kids and creativity is so over rated. Then I added cream of mushroom soup to the roast.  I then put the instant mashed potatoes on the stove. 


When company came tonight I embarrassed dh by making everyone take their shoes off.  I really do not understand why it was asking so much. If my ninety yo friend can put her shoes on to come to my house for supper why would it be so hard for her to take them off in my house. 


Well gotta go I have to take the kids to a school program tomorrow. I am bringing the cupcakes. Gotta get started making them.


So tell me about your day.  How did it go?  :D












Disclaimer: This post is meant to be humorous only.  I am not making fun of anyone.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


If we had a contest for Post of the Year, that would get my vote!!!


(But where's Ryan Gosling? ;))


Thanks!!  I am going to add to the contraversy by saying I have no idea who Ryan Gosling is. Other than hearing about him on this board.


And if someone could please spell contraversy for me I would be much obliged. Not sure why I got so stuck on not being able to spell this tonight.

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Thanks!! I am going to add to the contraversy by saying I have no idea who Ryan Gosling is. Other than hearing about him on this board.


And if someone could please spell contraversy for me I would be much obliged. Not sure why I got so stuck on not being able to spell this tonight.


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Yeah, and was the frosting homemade or out of a can?


Did you know you can make your can frosting double the volume and go farther by putting it in a mixing bowl and mixing it on high with a wisk attachment?



And I have been known to dip strawberries in chocolate can frosting. True story.

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Did you know you can make your can frosting double the volume and go farther by putting it in a mixing bowl and mixing it on high with a wisk attachment?



And I have been known to dip strawberries in chocolate can frosting. True story.

I didn't know about the whisking/mixing thing -- that's cool!

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Do you buy it at Aldi?


(Puddles -- you forgot to mention Aldi! Although you would have had to call it Aldi's if you wanted to irritate people.)


I am boycotting aldi because they make me pay a quarter to use a shopping cart. I just can't walk all that way to return them. I only shop at stores that let me leave the cart where I please.

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heck, yes, we have all had our flu shots, except for dh, but that is another story.  Even my cats have had their flu shots, wait do cats get flu shots?  I know they get lots of shots, I would think flu ones are in there somewhere.lol

Eh.  Flu shots are for sissies.  It's the Gardasil that all of us  have - including the 2 dogs and the cat.  

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