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Allergies! - suggestions for HEPA units

Miss Marple

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I'm considering putting in a couple indoor air filtration units.  My allergies have exploded over the past couple of years to include year round allergies - dust, mold, grass, horses, dogs, etc.  Pretty much includes everything I'm around out here on the farm.


What are some good room sized HEPA units?  Anyone have experience?  We have wood floors and I keep things pretty clean but with indoor pets, that is a problem.  Unfortunately they are old and can't be left outside all the time.  I try to keep them out as much as possible, though.

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I don't know about the less pricey options, but I can tell you what we use, after a ton of research.


We use Blue Air, one of the larger units.  We have one for each floor of our house.  We use the more expensive filters - I think they are called "Smoke Stop" - not because we smoke, but because it has a carbon filter which also filters VOCs.  


It has made a huge difference in our son's environmental allergies - dogs (which we have) and every grass or tree around.  :)

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My son did noticeably better with this http://www.amazon.com/Honeywell-50250-S-99-97%25-Round-Purifier/dp/B00007E7RY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1383586728&sr=8-1&keywords=hepa+round


Other thoughts:


I don't think HEPA alone will be enough, though a good one will help. Are you doing meds? My son does Zyrtec. Others didn't help nearly as much. I know different ones are more useful for different people. Nasonex or similar can really help nasal symptoms.


If you aren't supplementing D3 I would start. A healthy adult can take up to 10,000 IU per day (so stay under that) without concerns of toxicity. Healthy vitamin D levels have been shown to help allergies--I think molds particularly--in published studies. Anecdotal only, my adult developed allergies went away entirely when I got my vitamin D up.


Consider trying to make the sleeping space as allergy friendly as you can (no pets in there; you and anyone getting in the bed shower and change into fresh clothes before getting in; launder on hot wash/dry weekly; hepa in that space). We have a HEPA in my son's room and also one in the family room, where he plays most often. He showers when he comes in from outside (to get the pollen off his hair) and changes into clothes that haven't been outside. He showers again before bed, so he's not taking the house allergens with him. He does do Zyrtec daily.


You could start local honey now. It won't help you this season, but if you continue it might dampen the grass/pollen/etc next season. We used to have a non-drug barrier cream to put in the nose. The idea was it trapped the allergens before they went into the system. My son hated it, but a doctor told me other patients have good results. I can't remember the name, but I bet there are many of these.

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Wow! I was JUST researching air purifiers for my dh! His allergies have been acting up, and I think it's the fall pollen that's causing it. But the pets and the traffic (six kids, all day, in and out) just aggravate it. I was thinking of getting a purifier for the bedroom.


My bedroom is over 200 sq ft, so that limits our options. I was just looking at this one. Anyone have any experience with Honeywell?

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