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Calling all pregnant folks, when are you due?

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The end of March feels like *SUCH A LONG TIME AWAY* when I'm trying to get comfortable, or sucking on papaya tablets and waiting for relief. :(


Then I look at everything we have to get done before the end of May, much of which needs to be done by "the end of March" b/c I'm just not doing manual labor after this baby arrives, and *I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME*. :eek:


It's like I've found a wrinkle in time! :D I wonder if there's a physics project in there somewhere? ;)

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Just figured I'd better put that in the subject line to avoid any confusion :cool:


But, I just had this interesting thought. This thread could be one that never stops resurfacing, kwim? We're such a big group, and there will always be pregnancies to come, births to come, more women, new members, on and on. I have visions of this thread still popping up when SWB is a grandmother, and all our kids are off to whatever great adventures life brings. Kind of silly. But, also, kind of warm and fuzzy, don't you think?


Congratulations to all of you!!



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Technically, March 4th, but baby has made the official drop. They could not believe the differnence since last week. The doctors technical term today was that I am locked and loaded. So it is anytime. :o) I went out today and bought some outfits because we literally don't have any newborn clothing and finding neutral is not easy. Now we just need to think of some names.

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