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Perseid meteor shower tonight!

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Man am I jealous, I live in the bright city lights. I would love to have a mountain close by to see the shower. I love to watch. I remember as a kid, we lived out in the boonies and I used to lie in the back yard for hours to watch the show.


Have a great time for me.

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I have been so excited about this since someone (maybe it was you Amy) posted this last week. But here in North Texas it is raining and very cloudy. I.am.so.upset! Do you know if there will be any chance of seeing some of it tomorrow night. I know the peak is tonight but will there still be some streaking activity in the coming nights as well just not as much?


Totally bummed!! :glare:

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I have been so excited about this since someone (maybe it was you Amy) posted this last week. But here in North Texas it is raining and very cloudy. I.am.so.upset! Do you know if there will be any chance of seeing some of it tomorrow night. I know the peak is tonight but will there still be some streaking activity in the coming nights as well just not as much?


Totally bummed!! :glare:


You should still be able to see some tomorrow night, they just won't be as frequent. Good luck. I'm still waiting for it to clear up out here.

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Luke and I went out to sit in the hot tub and watch for meteors - we have a great view of the sky and mountains from the deck of our cabin. After about 5 minutes Luke screams, "RACCOON!" And sure enough he was headed right toward the hottub.


We yelled and I threw my coke can at him but it did not deter him. He just stared at us from his position between us and the back door. Bud heard the commotion and came out. He was not even afraid of Bud chasing him with a baby gate. He just moved back and watched. So much for the hot tub. :glare:


And yes, I know we sound ridiculous, and believe me when I tell you we looked it, too. :lol:

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And yes, I know we sound ridiculous, and believe me when I tell you we looked it, too. :lol:


I was just thinking about how last year we got run back in the house during the Perseids by a group of coyotes across the street. We couldn't see them, but we sure heard them!! I probably looked just as ridiculous, but luckily it's really dark out here, so I couldn't even see myself!

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I was so excited, we checked at nine. Did not see a thing. Then I heard, that its not til 2 eastern, thats 11 my time.


But, I dont have NE view from my house, and with all the nite time critters outside, the shower can pass on by.


Oh well, we saw the one that happened last winter.



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I woke up 3 of our boys at 2am, and in about a half hour saw 22 meteors.


In the past, I believed you would see a "shower"--like 1 per second. The rate was more like 1 per minute.


We were a bit cold, but glad we went--first meteor shower I've ever seen.

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