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what can my 3 kids do together??


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I have 3 kids...ds 9, ds 11 and dd 13.  My boys like to play sports together and since my daughter is NOT athletic in any way, she gets left out.  My daughter is crafty and thinks that making things for the boys will make them like her better.  They do some things together, but not much.  Even games are short lived.  They play some, but that gets old after a while.  So I thought maybe we can find some things to give them for Christmas that they would enjoy all together.  Does anybody here have any thoughts for me??



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This year my kids started playing solitaire--the traditional one with first card up, 6 more piles, put aces out and build on them, etc--don't know the name. When you play together, you put all the aces out and can play on anyone else's aces. With boys it would probably turn pretty competitive (first to play off all their cards wins), but when the girls and I play it gets pretty cooperative ("let me play my 3 since it's on a big pile." "Okay"--we "win" more (all players play all cards) when we cooperate). So everyone is getting a deck of bicycle cards in their stockings this year. Amazon seems to have a variety of styles. 

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I would look for board games that are not your standard far from Wal-Mart or Target. Check out Boardgamegeek.com they have in-depth reviews and even link to videos so you can see a game being played. Stone Age is a huge hit as are several fast fun card games (Nuts is the current favorite). Cooperative games may be a better way to go.


If you have land, what about installing some backyard fun things, such as a zipline, rock wall, etc. Nothing that requires a child to be athletic, but something that is enough fun for them all. They make giant hamster balls that the kids can get in and run around in. Or maybe an archery area. What about a game table in the house

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An easy answer could be Minecraft, but since I'm a sporty type I'll say find a physical activity that appeals to the dd, too. It will be great for her in the big picture to have some kind of physical activity to have fun and feel confident doing. There are so many activities that are beyond the typical soccer, baseball, football stuff, are social, fun and promote a healthy lifestyle AND the brothers would probably like it as well. Tennis, skiing, kayaking, canoeing, ice skating, rock climbing are a few ideas. There are a few indoor rock climbing facitilites popping up, and they are so much fun. Both girls and boys tend to really enjoy this activity and do equally well.

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Rock hunting?  The boys would enjoy being out in the woods searching for treasures, and your girl can happily turn the stones into jewelry with a rock tumbler.


Leather working?  Aka. manly crafting.


Kayaking?  - Doesn't require much athletic skill, yet gets everyone outdoors.  

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I know you wrote that your daughter wasn't athletic, but has she ever tried archery?  Other than missing the upper body strength at the beginning, I was told that girls tend to do well when they first learn.  


Check out this website.  My children are going to compete with other homeschoolers and public schoolers under this program.  

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Light sabers. That's what mine do together. Or how about some big Lego sets, maybe from one of their favorite move realms?


My kids also like games like Sleeping Queens, Zeus on the Loose, and Ticket to Ride. And poker; we got them real chips a few years ago, and it's been a lot of fun, plus educational too.

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