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I'm tired of being "poor" (JAWM)


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My parents spent upwards of 200,000 dollars on my sisters education (for dance, which might get you a 10 year career). She works at whole foods and is in debt.

I did sports in school and many weekends our family was separated.

I try to keep all of that in mind when deciding what to do with our family. We haven't done any extra activities (minus swim lessons one summer) because we don't have money. We don't do a co-op either. Actually we have one car that I can't drive (stick shift) and my hubby takes it everyday so we really don't do anything. I'd like to get involved with something in the next 2 years. I want it to be very affordable. I'd hate to start something and then have to stop due to money concerns (which we don't make much now and we'd have to save up and buy a car to even do something like that). My kids are young- but I still think is there going to be a time when it does start to affect them?


Hugs to all of you- we aren't alone but it still stinks sometimes.

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Jerico, two low cost options for 'activities' are running a home school book club and setting up a small co-op. I've done both of these and they are great in that the only cost is time and energy.

I agree. A friend and I set our our co-op in order to have low cost "extras". It has worked well in our case (although we have to remind each other that's why we did it when we get the "everyone else can afford" blues.
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