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Exercise Thread ~ 10/13 - 10/19


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Yoga followed by "Butts and Guts".  Seriously intense workout for my post-gallbladder removal surgery body.


Frustrating to be so weak in my core but little by little I'm getting stronger.


Among other painful things, we did these planks where you rotate (while planking) 180 degrees moving one arm and one leg.  I did two which is less than her mandated four but more than my preference which was zero :)

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Sure.  All weight resting on feet and elbows.  Body as straight as possible.  Move right arm and left foot out - continue to "step" like this until your whole body is facing 180 degrees from where you started.


Now my head hurts from explaining that :)

Does that help?

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Sure.  All weight resting on feet and elbows.  Body as straight as possible.  Move right arm and left foot out - continue to "step" like this until your whole body is facing 180 degrees from where you started.


Now my head hurts from explaining that :)

Does that help?

Yes, I'll try it tomorrow and let you know how I do.



I did Tracy Anderson this afternoon. Talk about plank work!

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We were away last week, but I've been keeping up on my kettlebell swings.  I've done 4,800 so far this month. Since we were away, I wasn't able to practice yoga, so that's on the schedule for today, plus 400 more kettlebell swings. 

Wow.  Holy moly.  I don't know anything about kettle bell swings.  Are they for your core?  Upper body?  Are they basically weight-lifting?  I hate weights, but need some more strength.  

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The kettlebell swing works the core (abs, back, shoulders, arms, hamstrings, and glutes).  When you do high volume swings (which is what I'm doing currently) you use a "lighter" weight.  I'm using 12 kg or 26lbs.  When I do "heavy" swings I use a 20kg or 44lb bell.  


I'm doing them to work my core and strengthen those areas up.  I spent the summer doing a 12 week kettlebell program called BeSlam, by Lauren Brooks.  I took a little break, and now I'm trying something different.


Here's a

 to a break-down of the kettlebell swing.  




Today I did 400 more swings and then ran 3 miles at the park in the rain.  My dd15 has been coming with me because I'm running later, so I think I will keep up the later time so she continues to run. :) 

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I've been lazy, ladies!!  :(

Last week I ran a couple of miles on the treadmill.  :leaving:

This week I haven't done anything.  :willy_nilly:

I am planning on running with a group from church (literally, it's called *(church name) runners*!  :lol: ) on Saturday morning.  Link wants to go with me.

I may try to get up in the morning and swim.  In my defense (EXCUSES :D ) I have had a kidney stone troubling me all week, so between pain from that and nausea/sleepiness from the pain meds I've been a little out of it, anyway.  this morning I set 3 alarms for myself - one at 6am (to go run on the treadmill), 9am, and 930am, and I only remember the 930 one.  :001_huh:  Like, I literally never even heard the first two!!


I loathe running on the treadmill, though, not gonna lie.  We don't have one and we don't have a gym membership or anything, so I run in a physical therapy gym that's a part of where DH and I work.  There are no TVs like at the YMCA lol... not even a ledge on the treadmill I could sit the iPad on to watch something on Netflix!  Just a huge, wall size mirror.  so it's just me, my iPod, and a huge wall size mirror at 6am.  Not awesome.  :D

I did sign up for another 5k in December, though.  Link will be running the 1 mile 'fun run' then, too.  Possibly Astro... we'll see. 


anyway, I just came on here to be inspired by you guys.  :D


ETA: OH!  I forgot, last week I did run a second time - with my 90 lb, out of shape (chubby) labradoodle.  We walked about 1/4 mile, ran 1/2 mile, and she sat down, literally, mid run :lol: .  So we had to alternate running and walking the rest of the way, but total we went about 2.2 miles or so.

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The kettlebell swing works the core (abs, back, shoulders, arms, hamstrings, and glutes).  When you do high volume swings (which is what I'm doing currently) you use a "lighter" weight.  I'm using 12 kg or 26lbs.  When I do "heavy" swings I use a 20kg or 44lb bell.  


I'm doing them to work my core and strengthen those areas up.  I spent the summer doing a 12 week kettlebell program called BeSlam, by Lauren Brooks.  I took a little break, and now I'm trying something different.


Here's a link to a break-down of the kettlebell swing.  




Today I did 400 more swings and then ran 3 miles at the park in the rain.  My dd15 has been coming with me because I'm running later, so I think I will keep up the later time so she continues to run. :)

Thank you.  I'm going to your link and considering this.  Sounds like a very efficient way to exercise.

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I am supposed to be running a 5k this morning in about an hour. Why am I sitting in bed drinking coffee instead of getting ready to leave? It is dark and cold, that is why! And my legs hurt like all heck from workouts this week. I know, I know.....I am going......in five minutes ;-)



UPDATE: did my run....finished with a best time for me! 28:11! Happy me!

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