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Friday's Teachers Lounge 10-11-2013


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GAAAHHH!!!  :gnorsi: It's Friday again! Yep, I know, it should be TGIF but Friday's here are proving to be a bit frantic

and stressful for me!


Oh, wait. Regroup. Hi, welcome to the Teachers Lounge! Where you can sit back, chat, relax, and . . . excuse me while

I run to get groceries, do lesson plans, keep the teenager on task, etc. I may just have to visit Starbucks today, too,

despite the founder's philosophies. But that's another discussion.


Is anyone else here feeling frantic? (Jean, no need to answer, I pretty much already know. :coolgleamA: )


Or is your weekend promising to be relaxing?


I'm afraid I don't really have any snacky type stuff in the lounge today. Maybe I'll remember when I go for groceries.

Any requests?                   


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hi  :seeya:


I'm actually feeling relaxed today.....although I have loads of housework to do.  DS is taking all his test today for the first six-weeks of school.  I'll be grading everything tonight and then putting everything away for 9 glorious days!  We will be on fall break as of mid-night tonight!!! 


Plans for the weekend---I'm deep cleaning today, so tomorrow I'll hit the commissary for what we will need from there for the next several weeks.  Sunday will be church and next week --day-tripping.


No request for snacks from me....I've just eaten a ton of munchkins from Dunkin Donut and must work it off. ;)


Have a lovely weekend y'all!


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Good morning.  I have some awesome, dark and delicious coffee and gf chocolate whoopie pies.  ;D    Sit down and relax a minute.


I was frantic all week.  Maybe it is in the air.  I learned this week that my tree nut allergic child is also allergic to peanuts and sesame seeds.  It's been a rough week on the home-medical front, AND I've been super-busy at work (don't ask if that is ever different).    I was actually told to hold my horses yesterday by a VP (and not my own, favorite VP).   This VP is from Texas and I was a bit wound-up so I can't take it personally.  I just don't think I've ever heard an adult say that in a  work setting before.  


My weekend promises fun and joy, but not relaxation.  Tomorrow youngest is having her birthday party.  Thankfully, she chose to have it a park so I don't have to worry about getting the house and yard party-worthy.  I do need to bake and shop.    Then Sunday night, my DS is coming home for a few weeks.   :party:


His best friend from elementary school is getting married  :eek: .   I need to take him next week to get fitted for a tux   :001_wub: .  

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Hi ya, Scrap!  If you already know everything, why are you asking me, huh, Scrap?!   :toetap05:   I hope that things calm down for you.


I'm late getting started today.  I felt pretty good last night and went to Zumba for the second night in a row and that was a big mistake.  I love Zumba but my body is still not doing too well and it was too much, too soon.  I ended up staying because everyone made such a big deal welcoming me back (which is nice!) that I didn't want to leave halfway through.  I did get to talk to a friend though who had been very worried about me not coming (I'm well known as a Zumba fanatic) and had been asking around about me.  


I have my usual school and chore list today.   :gnorsi:

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This afternoon is the calm before the storm of a crazy weekend. I could really use some chocolate right about now. Anyone have anything dark, maybe with sea salt or caramel?


Below is our weekend. Poor dd.



5 pm call for warmup (dd13, ballet)

7pm curtain for performance of Giselle, dd's first performance en pointe



9am open house at the competitive-plus-lottery entry math and science charter high school (half an hour away)

11am call for warmup

1pm and 4pm performances

6:30-????? huge "harvest" party hosted by dh's brother (half an hour away), catered with live music. I find my inlaws to be exhausting at times. Most times. This will be one of them.



1 pm call for warmup

3pm performance

Nutcracker cast posted

5:30/6-???? dinner at a very nice restaurant with ballet families

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Good to see you all! Jean, just giving you a hard time!


Margaret and Karen, I am seriously going to make plans to come visit the both of you sometime within the next year and a half

if I can fit it into our schedule!


Back from getting groceries. Actually went to the Food Bank. Thankfully here, anyone can buy a discounted 'basket' of food from the 

nearest food bank. Helps stretch the grocery budget!  I should have bought another basket I think! I now have some mixed greens, 

fruit snacks, potatoes, red onions, a few sports drinks, and a variety of meats. Hmm. Still need eggs. Which reminds me, I need to help

my son make some GF brownies for his class this afternoon.


Karen, I have coffee so I'll take a rain check, okay?  :coolgleamA:   By  the way, how late did you stay in the chair in the corner by the fireplace last week?  :cheers2:

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Karen, I have coffee so I'll take a rain check, okay?  :coolgleamA:   By  the way, how late did you stay in the chair in the corner by the fireplace last week?  :cheers2:


I only stayed until lunch then I stumbled to my kitchen for a gargantuan salad that made me feel better.  Then it wasn't long before it was time for pizza and Doctor Who.  It made the day go by faster.  


You should have chickens, then you wouldn't need to go buy eggs.  I get three perfect eggs everyday plus something that trims the grass and weeds all for a little chicken feed and fresh water.

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