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Cost of Homeschooling

Guest 4boys

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I don't know and I don't want to know! But it's the extra curriculas that end up costing thousands a year- music lessons, science classes, drama, sport, gym, Scouts. These are what the kids live for- the whole books/ curricula thing is my trip!


I could homeschool on far less if I had to- I do rather spoil myself with trying curricula and buying books- but if I was really frugal I have enough on my shelves to last for years in most subjects! But as I am switching to using even more living books and less curricula I am spending a bit on books.


I tend to buy things all through the year. I couldn't do it all at once, it would be too much money, but spread out over the year, here and there, 2nd hand when things pop up, or I think of searching for the next year...I like doing it this way (justified shopaholicism!).

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I went and made a spreadsheet last night to add it all up.

This is for our Jan-Dec school year, so not all of it is spent yet.

Curriculum $1400

Books $300

Stationary and Art Supplies $450

Sports $1600 youch! and it will go up quite substantially next year.

Music $2700 including band camp

Total about $6500


Which sounds bad, but we used to spend 4x that on private school fees and still have sports on top.

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  • 2 weeks later...

$1000 for this year so far. This is for two kids. We bought some expensive things that we will use for more than one year so this really is a savings in so many ways. We will likely spend another $500. We haven't included sports, art or music in the amount. This is books only and nothing else. I bet it's even more. I'll have to look into it further.

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Do I really have to add it all up??? I don't wanna!!! :lol:


My oldest -- $300 on curriculum for homeschooling / $800 for tuition and books for her community college classes / $700 for Tae Kwon Do lessons


My second -- $500 on curriculum for homeschooling


My third -- $300 on curriculum for homeschooling / $700 for Tae Kwon Do lessons


My fourth -- $100 on curriculum for homeschooling (gotta love 'hand me downs'!)


So....grand total is....$3400. *gulp*

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I'm only doing preschool this year and I've already spent way too much.


Actual curriculum: Probably about $300 (although a lot of that will be used next year and then with my second dd)


Supplies: Approximately $300. I splurged and bought some high quality art supplies, manipulatives, flashcards, games, etc.


Books (for the girls): Probably another $300. We are doing FIAR and I really want to own all of these wonderful books. And some good story bibles. I have a monthly book budget, too. :D Books are an addiction for me.


Homeschooling/teaching books for me: Probably $100 so far.


Organizational stuff - containers, file folders, new pens, binders, dividers, laminating sheets, index cards, etc.....I have no idea. :001_huh: This is a weakness of mine.


And I still have stuff I want to buy for our school room: maps, a pocket calendar, bulletin board stuff, etc.


I'm just starting out so a lot of this stuff will be getting years of use...but yeah, it does add up.

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I typically spend around $1200/year on *curriculum only* (not paper, art supplies or activities) for my 3 kids. In the beginning I bought a lot of science stuff, curricula that the youngers would later use, etc. Now the bulk of that expense is going toward eldest-Rosetta Stone, Chalkdust Pre-Algebra, etc.

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I spend approx. $1500-$2000/yr. it seems, but I'm sure I could spend a whole lot less. This year I was aiming for only spending around $500, but alas too many things caught my eye. I just don't want newbies to think they can't do it for less when you most certainly can. I pay for convenience and to have everything laid out for me. I also LOVE books and most of my money is spent on books, not curriculum, so it will be useful for many generations to come hopefully :)

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I just don't want newbies to think they can't do it for less when you most certainly can. I pay for convenience and to have everything laid out for me. I also LOVE books and most of my money is spent on books, not curriculum, so it will be useful for many generations to come hopefully :)


I agree about trying not to scare people, lol.


For my 5 and 6 year olds, I've probably spent around $500, even though they're using a lot of the same materials. I expect to spend another $200 over the course of the year. I also prefer to have everything planned out for me, and then "riff" off of that. I purchased a lot of real books, since utilizing our library system to it's maximum potential involves a lot of planning/driving/nagging staff. I did compromise by buying a lot of second hand books.


I know I could have gotten away with $200 or so, total.


For my 10 year old, I've probably spent about $250-300, even though his main curriculum is supplied by the cyber charter school. I'm just really excited about having him home this year!

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