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Help me brainstorm:online/box school (accredited) for a dancer

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Hi all, a friend who has a very gifted ballerina is thinking of home schooling. Well, mostly they are thinking they do not want her to home school, but her schedule is such (and she is really talented) that it the only alternative. Also her high school is rough, she is having problems being picked on as a quiet, studious girl.


Her mom is not comfortable at all with my style of home schooling, ie, oldest son is a sophomore but taking non- ps subjects like Asian History because, well, he wants to and I want to teach it,lol. Writing her own diploma would never fly- I'm sure she would be totally aghast that is my plan. All online schools such as keystone are very pricey, but that is what they would prefer. Must be not parent intensive, an accredited diploma, online preferred but cost is also an issue as her dh is balking since ps is "free".


I can research ideas myself, but I thought I'd ask here first as you all are so stink in smart! The girl is miserable, her mom is miserable, and I would like to help find her options for high school. I fear she may have to quit ballet if they can't find a workable solution, and that would be an absolute shame.


Our state doesn't have a free online cyber school, which would be totally perfect.


Thanks in advance!

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Laurel springs is expensive (relatively) and our state has no k12, apparently. I haven't looked myself, but she said their old state had it for free, but ours does not. That would be exactly what they want, but it's pricey out of pocket.


Thank you for American school- I will look at it. Ive never heard of it, which why I asked you clever folks, you all know this stuff!

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Even if K12 or Connections Academy or some other program were available, free, in the state they live in, my impression is that they would not have the flexibility the student needs, regarding time and scheduling, so that she can dance, with one of those free programs. Those students seem to be attending PS at home and their attendance is required, tracked and reported. There are a number of public universities that have Distance Learning courses and those allow the flexibility this student needs. Also, K12 and other private schools, like American School are options. There are many options for High School and your friend and her DD need to check them out and hopefully they will find the best fit.

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Even if K12 or Connections Academy or some other program were available, free, in the state they live in, my impression is that they would not have the flexibility the student needs, regarding time and scheduling, so that she can dance, with one of those free programs. Those students seem to be attending PS at home and their attendance is required, tracked and reported. There are a number of public universities that have Distance Learning courses and those allow the flexibility this student needs. Also, K12 and other private schools, like American School are options. There are many options for High School and your friend and her DD need to check them out and hopefully they will find the best fit.


K12 is not free. You don't enroll your children in K12 for free. You enroll your children in California Virtual Academy, or Oklahoma Virtual Academy, or whatever the government-funded charter school is called (in most states it's a charter school, although not in all). So it would be CAVA or Connections Academy, *not* "K12 or Connections Academy."


And yes, since the virtual charter school is a public school, students do need to log time to keep track of "attendance." That's how the school recieves its funding. There will be quizzes and tests and whatever, as well as the same end-of-year testing as classroom-based public schools.


K12 itself is not a "private school;" you can enroll your children in one of several private schools which use K12. Otherwise it's just something like BJUP or ABeka, where you buy what you want and use it as you want.

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American school looks just like what they are needing. Are there any more like this? Someone mentioned university- affiliated high schools...any names for me?


I have used keystone and so they looked at it ($$), they looked for an ps cyber school (don't have them in our state, k12 is $$) but that is all they found on their own. I'd like to put together some other alternatives for them that fit their criteria. But I don't use/like/want "school in a box" type programs, so as the only home schooler they know I am not very helpful!


Is Abeka graded/teacher support/accredited? They are religious, evangelical Christian, so I don't think a religious curriculum is a problem, but outside support and verification is a must. I know very little about this type of program.

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American school looks just like what they are needing. Are there any more like this? Someone mentioned university- affiliated high schools...any names for me?


I have used keystone and so they looked at it ($$), they looked for an ps cyber school (don't have them in our state, k12 is $$) but that is all they found on their own. I'd like to put together some other alternatives for them that fit their criteria. But I don't use/like/want "school in a box" type programs, so as the only home schooler they know I am not very helpful!


Is Abeka graded/teacher support/accredited? They are religious, evangelical Christian, so I don't think a religious curriculum is a problem, but outside support and verification is a must. I know very little about this type of program.


ABeka Academy is accredited, if the children are enrolled in the video accredited or traditional parent-directed program. It is pricey, though.


Christian Liberty Academy School systems (CLASS) is accredited by a different organization than ABeka Academy. I don't know if it will make any difference to your friends. It's much less expensive than ABeka Academy, but it's pretty decent (if you like school in a box, lol).

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American school looks just like what they are needing. Are there any more like this? Someone mentioned university- affiliated high schools...any names for me?


I have used keystone and so they looked at it ($$), they looked for an ps cyber school (don't have them in our state, k12 is $$) but that is all they found on their own. I'd like to put together some other alternatives for them that fit their criteria. But I don't use/like/want "school in a box" type programs, so as the only home schooler they know I am not very helpful!


Is Abeka graded/teacher support/accredited? They are religious, evangelical Christian, so I don't think a religious curriculum is a problem, but outside support and verification is a must. I know very little about this type of program.


I'm the one who mentioned university run schools. DD is in the Middle School of Texas Tech University (TTUISD).  I communicate with 2 families that are currently living overseas. Both families have their eldest child in TTUISD High School and will continue with that, after they move back to the USA.  And, one family has 3 children enrolled (Kinder, Middle School and High School and the other family has 2 of their DC in TTUISD (Middle School and High School). TTUISD "Online" courses require a traditional textbook be purchased and all Final Exams are under the supervision of an Approved Proctor.


There are other university run High Schools. I believe the University of Nebraska and the University of Missouri are among those.  There was a program run by the University of Oklahoma, but it ended, about 2 years ago. The University of Mississippi has a program. The University of Texas (in Austin) has a program. There is a program for gifted children at Stanford University but it is $$$$$. Probably there are a *bunch* of other university programs for High School students.

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