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Indulge me a moment? Homeschooling WIN! FINALLY!


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This is my tenth year homeschooling and I consider my first child's education a major success. She entered ps this year as a 9th grader and is doing great. But with my other two children, I have struggled to truly educate them. Nothing I was doing seemed to be working. They learned to read, write, do math, memorized tons of things... But this past summer, all I wanted to do was quit. Their attitudes about learning/school were so horrible. Last year's school days were filled with strife. At some point during the summer, I decided to re-think our curriculum thinking maybe if I changed it up, something would click for them. Maybe what I used with my eldest just wasn't going to work for the next two. So I did it. I changed most of our curriculum and had long discussions with the girls about their attitudes. Now four weeks into the school year, I am on top of the world! I sat the girls down this morning and shared with them how proud I am. Their attitudes have changed so drastically! They beg to read history! They don't fight about writing! Every day, we mark off EVERY subject!


One thing I stressed over so badly in the past was getting up on time. If my kids were going to fight me all day long, it meant we had to start early or nothing would get done. But this morning, I allowed my middle dd to sleep in and had to ask myself why I wasn't stressed out about it. Then it hit me. Because when she gets up, she actually WORKS and doesn't argue! I used to dread getting up every day because I knew what I would face with their attitudes. However, now I look forward to starting the day and spending time with my girls. I've waited a long time to get to this place!


So that's my 'never forget this' moment of the day and I just had to share. Thanks for indulging me. :D

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