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Friday's Teachers Lounge 9-27-2013


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Here we are again! It's FRIDAY! 


Today for snacks: if you really want donuts I can make a run to the nearest grocery store or Dunkin Donuts. Neither are far away!


On hand, I have cinnamon raisin bagels (not GF, sorry), 1/3 Reduced Fat Philadelphia Cream Cheese, and Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter (Kroger OR Laura Scudders).

I also have a few Gala apples and green grapes.


To drink: coffee (Gevalia or Douwe Egberts), tea (loose leaf, in a variety of flavors), water, almond milk.


Reflecting on our week: we need to get BACK to following a schedule, which I worked on last night, will work on some more today, and this weekend.

Enrolling our daughter in an outside Biology class was a GOOD thing! And we definitely need that membership at the YMCA so she can swim at least 3 times per week.

It is definite, positive therapy for her PLUS, as a veteran, I can get a smokin' deal on a family membership!  MRIs are survivable. B)  And my son and I need to learn to 

be better planners!


Looking forward: hoping tonight can be date night with hubby. Tomorrow morning I MUST go to the Farmers Market and then meet with a potential client, all in the morning.

Tomorrow afternoon, the whole family (all 4 of us) are going to the local watermark, since it's the last Saturday it's open until next summer. (Yay for Groupon!)

Sunday is church followed by a, hopefully, restful afternoon.


Lunch today? Good question! I'm tired of planning and prepping! May be chili dogs!


What's going on with you? 


Talk to me!  :bigear:

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Hi Ya, Scrap!  The cinnamon raisin bagels sound yummy.  


How did the MRI go?  When do you get results?

We start this year's school on Monday so I'm trying not to freak out.  (We didn't finish last year's school until the end of August.)


I have no idea what we'll have for lunch.  I have to pick ds up at his volunteering so I might just pick something up while we're out.



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Scrap - hope you get your date tonight


Donuts :drool5:  yum-o


Lunch was easy, leftovers.  Supper will require some thought.  I am thinking I don't want to fix supper :lol:


We really should do more school today but I am calling it done.  The house needs cleaning and for some strange reason I am in the mood to clean.  Better strike while in the mood.  :thumbup:




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I'll take an apple and some peanut butter and some coffee, please.


I had some tuna salad for lunch, but I ate all my bean chips yesterday so I had nothing to go with it.  


It's best to not reflect on my week.  I had a migraine for more than 3 days and was insanely busy at work.  This morning, youngest asked why I let her sister watch Star Trek yesterday after school (we have a "no media" policy Sunday-Friday).   My answer was that I had a headache and was too busy to realize that she was breaking the rule.   Not a good week.


Tonight I work until 8ish.  I'm hoping dh and I can go to a movie this weekend.  I also want to make it up to the mountains for some fresh air and fall color.  (Didn't make it last weekend because youngest came down with strep).     



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I feel like my head is going to implode but it is all good.  Trying to get the kids on a good schedule around online classes, extra currics and my new job but fell totally flat this week and we ended up with no school done that wasn't online classes and their homework.  Part of that is the fact the kids have spent nearly every waking minute of this past week fighting. All the extra dr's visits both in the next town over and in the city are really causing an issue too.  I have yet another one next week. so hoping I can keep us on track otherwise.  While we have been making progress this term so far it is not nearly as much as it could be if the kids would just cooperate with me.  If there is no change next week I am quitting homeschooling.  I just can't deal with the stress anymore of them being together and here all day, I don;t even care if they did no school for a week to read or build or whatever, but to ignore everything I say, beat the crap out of each other and destroy my house, I don't think so.  I am so beyond my limits especially with all the extra stuff going on, I am giving them a deadline. Shape up or ship out.  ds15 will have no choice but to live with his dad, the other 3 into the local school which has nothing going for it but at least they will be away from each other all day.

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I feel like my head is going to implode but it is all good.  Trying to get the kids on a good schedule around online classes, extra currics and my new job but fell totally flat this week and we ended up with no school done that wasn't online classes and their homework.  Part of that is the fact the kids have spent nearly every waking minute of this past week fighting. All the extra dr's visits both in the next town over and in the city are really causing an issue too.  I have yet another one next week. so hoping I can keep us on track otherwise.  While we have been making progress this term so far it is not nearly as much as it could be if the kids would just cooperate with me.  If there is no change next week I am quitting homeschooling.  I just can't deal with the stress anymore of them being together and here all day, I don;t even care if they did no school for a week to read or build or whatever, but to ignore everything I say, beat the crap out of each other and destroy my house, I don't think so.  I am so beyond my limits especially with all the extra stuff going on, I am giving them a deadline. Shape up or ship out.  ds15 will have no choice but to live with his dad, the other 3 into the local school which has nothing going for it but at least they will be away from each other all day.


Ouch.  I'm sorry you had a bad week.  

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Ouch.  I'm sorry you had a bad week.  


Thanks.  I just realized what a bummer I was to this thread.  Sorry ladies, apparently I needed to get that out more than I thought.


It's been more than a bad week but this week really pushed me past my limit kwim.  It's been a long time coming, but I had hoped things would be different, I hoped wrong.  I don't think anything will ever be different.  It will be the same thing day after day for another 15 years, and you know what they say the definition of insanity is.


What I need is a night out, a night with no worries, no kids, just some friends and some wine.  Either that or a whole lot of sleep, which won't be happening tonight because I have to be at work at 5am, and the kids currently won't stop fighting for about 2am.


Okay somebody tranquilize me before I bring everyone down.


In good news this week, I was successful at my first day of work on wednesday evening.  Nothing was sent back that I made, nothing was burnt or undercooked, so my nightmares the night before that Gordon Ramsey was going to fly to Canada just to yell at me for being so horrid we unfounded. It's nothing gourmet that's for sure, but I can cook it which is a good thing.

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In good news this week, I was successful at my first day of work on wednesday evening.  Nothing was sent back that I made, nothing was burnt or undercooked, so my nightmares the night before that Gordon Ramsey was going to fly to Canada just to yell at me for being so horrid we unfounded. It's nothing gourmet that's for sure, but I can cook it which is a good thing.


Oh, dear. You know you're stressed when you start having Gordon Ramsay dreams! Glad the job is going well.

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Everyone! DEEP BREATH! Hold. Now let it out SLOWLY. Repeat as necessary.


We WILL all get through this!


I now have chocolate chip cookies and Twinkies available, if desired. Yes, I know, they

won't help me lose the 60 lbs I'm aiming to lose. I just went to the food bank and can't always

control what they give me!  They did give me some yummy looking chicken and rice soup, though!

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