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Shout-out for a TC course

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My kids and I are loving Robert Greenberg's course, "How to Listen to and Understand Great Music." He's very funny and engaging, and weaves in lots of historical/social/cultural context. Today, for example, in "Intro to the Baroque Era," we got not only Bach, Handel, et al., but also Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Louis IV and the architecture of Versailles, and other illustrations of contemporary thought and artistic expression. Two thumbs up!

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This course looks great, but it's expensive.  I don't like video only either.  Is it ever deeply discounted the way some of their courses are?


It is NOT video only. We have it on CD. I bought it for $30 used on amazon.


All courses go on sale at least once a year; I have never bought anything that was not at least 70% off; I shoot for 85% discount.


Audible.com has many TC courses now, you might want to check.

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All of Robert Greenberg's are available at Audible.com -- you download them to your computer and either listen to them there, burn them to cds or put them on an mp3 player.  There is a fabulous and free Audible app for iPods and iPhone, which is how I now listen to my audible downloads.  


"How to listen and understand" is about $52, but at 36 hours, it could definitely be the spine for a nice fine arts credit.  Other courses are shorter and cheaper.  The course notes do not come with the download, but you may not need them.  Robert Greenberg is delightful to listen to -- he has been a commentator on NPR so he has a good radio personality and voice.



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