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UTI prevention


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Now that I'm older (an inch past 40) it seems I'm becoming more susceptible to UTIs. I know and take all of the normal post-tea precautions, but that just doesn't always cut it anymore. Has anyone here gone from suffered from 2-4 UTIs a year to none through taking some kind of supplements? I'm thinking I'd like to fight this by making the environment less hospitable to these cooties.


It seems I get them just often enough to feel really inconvenienced, but not so often that my physician wants to take me to the next level of testing/urology appts, etc. I don't really want to do all that either if there's a way I can combat this nutritionally and WITHOUT giving up tea. I really like actual tea AND the WTM version and neither one is negotiable.

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I used to get 2-3 per year and they stopped once I stared taking Uva ursi everyday and really bearing down to eliminate all the urine when I went to the bathroom. Apparently my bladder was a bit tilted and was more lax and there was a little bit of urine left in it each time, which was unhealthy. Bearing down helped with that problem.


Sorry if TMI.

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D-mannose did the trick for me. I only take it when I think one is coming on. I take it for about 3 days. When I first tried it, I had a full blown UTI that was a reoccurence weeks after my first one ever for which I took antibiotics. Round two I loaded up with D-mannose heavily for about a week before it went away. I got one more and took it at the first tingle. I haven't used it or had any since. I heard that some people take one D-mannose immediately after tea.

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D-mannose.  Just take it afterward tea every time (well, pee first, then take it with a glass of water, and wait at least an hour to go again).  I find that I don't have issues as long as I do that.  I also take it if I have anything that feels like it could be a UTI coming on.


Per my ND, pure blueberry juice is better than cranberry for bladder health.  It has all the good stuff of cranberry, but is soothing to the bladder while cranberry is irritating.  You can find the best deal on it at trader joes.

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You guys are awesome. I think I'll start with vitamin C and taking D-mannose after tea and if i feel a tingle. Will Walgreens carry D-mannose or do I need to go to the health food store? Amazon? Also, is this something I will order and then find out I got the wrong brand/kind later? I'm already attentive to pre-tea hygiene, but not quite as fussy as after. It would make sense to step that up.


Do they make 100% cranberry juice juice boxes? I may need to assemble some sort of recovery kit for the bedroom :-/

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I order mine online, but I've seen it at places like Whole Foods.  I use pure encapsulations.  It's sole in various online stores.  It's powder form, I just mix a teaspoon with water.  It tastes like sugar, sweet, so not gross.  I've also seen it sold in capsule form, though I've never bought it that way.  It's whatever works for you.


I've never seen juice boxes, but I have seen the little bottles of 100% cranberry juice.


I think after tea care is more important than before.  Bacteria can get pushed up your urethra during tea, and if you don't get that flushed out it climbs up and causes the infection.

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