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Switched from MM to Saxon. Can it really be this easy?


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My third grader has used Math Mammoth since first grade.  She disliked math in first.  In second grade, she spent a lot of time frustrated and in tears.  She spent the first week of third grade crying every day.  


I went out and bought Saxon in a moment of panic.  Saxon 3 is soooo much easier than MM. DD loves it.  I love it.  I love the scripted lessons.  I love the every day practice of telling time and counting money.  I love that it came with color coded flash cards.  I love the manipulatives.  I love the speed drill practice.  DD asked to do math on the weekend.


However, it is so much easier.  So, which math is where we should be?  Is MM 3 where a 3rd grader should be?  Or is Saxon 3 where a third grader should be?  


Even if Saxon is behind, I'm not sure we would switch back.  DD did not know there are 12 months in a year and could not do basic addition without using her fingers.  So, I figure even if Saxon is behind, if she can retain ANYTHING it would be an improvement.

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I think the better question would be is she where she needs to be right now? I'd say if she is happy doing math, learning things daily and finding math a pleasure and not a pain she is right where she needs to be.


I couldn't agree more with the above post!


I have one that I had to pull from MEP and I put in Rod and Staff and I honestly feel the same way.  He is learning his facts inside and out, he is understanding what he is doing, and the manual is so easy to follow.  So for my child, even if math is a bit "easy" right now it is EXACTLY where he needs to be right now.  Maybe he will go back to MEP after doing R&S for a while or maybe we'll stay with R&S.  I have no idea.  But I do know I felt relief and so did my child.


I'm glad you found a good math spot!!

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The best math program is the one that gets done, better yet if it gets done cheerfully. For my oldest, MM was our breakthrough program, it is a perfect fit for her. I haven't found that perfect fit for my second child yet, I am hoping Beast Academy will fit the bill.

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Did you take the Saxon placement test before starting? Because I would recommend doing that to make sure she's at the right level in Saxon. It's not MM3 vs. Saxon 3. It's MM vs. Saxon, then pick the level appropriate to the child, wherever that may be. MM is more difficult than Saxon in those younger years at least (when my son did Saxon 1 at school and MM 1 at home, MM 1 was definitely a lot meatier), so you may actually need Saxon 5/4 instead of Saxon 3. Of course, if she's happy and not bored with Saxon 3, it's fine to whip through Saxon 3 this year. :) Clearly Saxon is a better fit for your DD, so that's fine! Just make sure she's placed correctly. The first several lessons will be review, so those would be expected to be easy, but look later in the year - any new material? Or does she have a good handle on that stuff? Doing a year of "easy" math might help build her confidence as well.


But yeah, MM 3 does not equal Saxon 3. They have different scope and sequence and different educational philosophies. Always use placement tests when changing math programs, to help deal with the scope and sequence issue.

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I definitely agree with the placement test idea...if we would have stayed with saxon we would have done saxon 2 for first, 3 for 2nd, and 5/4 for 3rd. But the truth is, rebuilding confidence may be number one right now. We were too far ahead in MM last year and I had to slow way down to rebuild confidence. The time was well worth it!


If you look ahead and there are plenty of new things to learn...go with it. But if she already knows all of it..maybe still go with it for awhile building confidence, just skip a lot and move on when she is ready. Glad Saxon seems to be working for her though! A good math program plus tears and frustration makes a bad program for that child. Hope you have a great math year! :)

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