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Okay ladies, place your bets........

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OK, Aubrey, I can see your online right now so I'm guessing the baby won't come until after midnight.....let's say a boy, 9#6oz. and the name is Phred:001_huh:....just kidding.....the name is Josiah. Totally reaching here! Hope all goes well!
Yeah, Phred for a first and Spycar for middle! Phred Spycar....oh, isn't that precious!:tongue_smilie:


:lurk5: I'm getting tired of this popcorn, so you need to hurry and have the baby Aubrey, 'k? :001_smile:

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Ok, I'm playing, too. . . . .


Monday, August 11


10 lbs. 1 oz - um - let's say 2 a.m.




If it's a girl - Shachar (Hebrew: means first light of morning) or Shoshanna Winifred Bethuel. . . . . .. .her initials would be. . . .. SWB!!!!


If it's a boy. . . .Warren Thaddeus Michael ___________. His initials would be. . . .WTM!!!!!


And what no one else is betting on. How many hours post birth does Aubrey post on the board?


I say 2.25.



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