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Needing the Hive . . .


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Just feeling "out of sorts" and felt like I should be 'here.'


This past week the doc found a couple of cysts on my brain. I had a CT scan done because

I'd had a headache for about 5 days. Wouldn't have been concerned about it except NOTHING I did

would make it go away.  Nothing too traumatic and not malignant.

But it seems I am somewhat hyper-aware now of every little thing that seems 'wrong' with my body.

She has ordered an MRI (contrast and non-contrast); I'm just waiting for the VA to call and schedule it.


Plus this week I have a paper due and I just can't seem to get my head wrapped around it, no pun intended.

The cysts should not be affecting my thinking; they're not that invasive.


Anyway, hubby is running late tonight and now the kids are eating pizza while watching a movie.

I didn't know what to do so I came here!  :coolgleamA:


Anyone up for a chat?

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:grouphug:   A friend of mine has been living with a cyst on her brain for years. She is doing really well and about to give birth to her fifth baby boy soon. They just keep monitoring it, and it hasn't grown or changed.


Tonight I am up trying to finish grading and get ready for our upcoming vacation.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I can imagine how hard it must be to think of anything else but THAT!


Do you have any projects you've been putting off that you could pour yourself into? Scrapbooking or something?



Maybe there's a new TV series that you need to watch.


I hate those long waits between "We've found something. It could be serious. It might not be too bad." and "Here's what's up and here's what we'll do to help you."


Remember that God loves you too much to give you any less than his very best.


Prayers and more hugs for you.

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Yep, Tammy, me too!


Harriet, I'm glad your friend is doing so well. Mine seem to be causing the headache which,

thankfully, is not at a migraine level pain, but it is rather annoying to have a constant pain in one's head

in the exact same spot every day!


Going to hang out in the Hive for awhile so feel free to keep chatting with me!

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fairfarmhand, AMEN!


The cysts that I have are anomalies and not usually discovered until things "get worse": eg, nausea, dizziness, seizures, etc.

I am glad that I went to see the doc. Glad she ordered a CT scan (which I was thinking on my way to the appt anyway), and glad

things aren't worse! Just really wondering what God's plan with this is!  :coolgleamA:

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