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Friday's Teachers Lounge 8-23-2013


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Not really sure what that means here right now except it's the first day back to drama class for my kids. They are so excited!



What's up in your life today? Here: other than the above, I have to take my iPad to the Apple Store today. Went to use it last night and it said iPad disabled. *sigh*

And sometime today I need to fit in a 30 minute sometime today.


Lunch today? Ha! No clue!


Any weekend plans? Here: nothing definite but I'd like the kids to go to a friend's tomorrow so hubby and I can escape for awhile and talk about stuff that needs to be talked 

about without getting interrupted!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Happy Friday !


Last week, my oldest was sick.  Guess what?  Yep, youngest has been sick since Tuesday.  Does it count as back-to-school if she's sick instead?  


I started carpooling a couple of older dd's friends on Fridays which means that once a week I have to take 3 girls, 3 backpacks, a cello, a viola and a violin home after school.  I drove 60 miles one day this week.  Tomorrow, I'm going to test drive a couple of different cars.  My 12mpg truck just doesn't make sense in my life right now.


Lunch will be leftover lamb burgers with a salad fresh from my garden.




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I'd definitely say you're in the market for a different car! May it work out well for you!


I had to chuckle when you said, "I drove 6o miles one day this week" only because some weeks that 

can be the norm here. That's because I live in a city of a population just over 1 million and the greater 

metropolitan area makes it roughly 4 million. Looking forward to the day, hopefully not in the distant future 

but the near future, when I can live in a much smaller town!


Enjoy lunch!


As for back-to-school, it is what it is. We are in our 'third week' of school but it hasn't gone nearly as smoothly 

as I'd liked. Top it off with yesterday I had to deal with some health issues and last night when I went to use my

iPad (which I highly depend on for my own schooling), found it wasn't working. So, when Apple opens up today, guess where

I'll be? 


Ah, life. School? What's that??

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Not much here, I have a whole list of errands to do today, but not sure I will get to any of it.


Dd just woke up, so we are going to have brunch.


Weekend plans include listing a bunch of stuff on ebay, cleaning house, and of course, running errands.

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Fun vacation plans, BlessedMomma! where are you going?


We live about 1 1/2-2 hours north of Cincinnati, Ohio/Kentucky. So we are going to see the aquarium and probably an amusement/water park. We will be spending the night in a hotel in KY and swimming.


The kids and I flew to Florida at the end of May but dh had to work. So this is the only family vacation we can squeeze in between school and his work.


The best part is... the kids have no idea  :)

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Today, I got the house in order for the weekend.  It's clean, and laundry is done.  I'm still plugging along on lesson plans and making a reasonable menu plan for the next 3 weeks.   


This weekend...maybe a short road trip on Saturday.  I need to get out of the house. ;)  Sunday we have church, lunch out and home to get ready for another busy week.  


Lunch:  lean pocket, ice tea and birthday oreo cookies.



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I'd definitely say you're in the market for a different car! May it work out well for you!


I had to chuckle when you said, "I drove 6o miles one day this week" only because some weeks that 

can be the norm here. That's because I live in a city of a population just over 1 million and the greater 

metropolitan area makes it roughly 4 million. Looking forward to the day, hopefully not in the distant future 

but the near future, when I can live in a much smaller town!



15 used to be my average, but now.....  I love my truck.  I really do, but if I have to fill it up more than once a week, I just can't keep it.  I used to live in a major metro area with a 45 minute commute to work.  I also used to live in a rural area with a 45 minute commute to anything.  I like living close to everything and driving little much better.  Most places I go are less than 10 miles or 20 minutes away but if I have to go to 3 or 4 of those more than once a day, it is just not going to work.


Good luck at the mac store today.  


Tonight is pizza and the Doctor.  I'm looking forward to that.

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Just ate lunch - butternut squash and salmon bisque for me, Mac 'n Cheese for kids (do I get a bonus point because it was organic?)


Weekend plans - try not to spend money.


School so far- a week of reviewing phonics and math lessons covered over summer and doing the hands on science journaling


So today-

Reviewed ng ending words on white board

Watched a Bill Nye video on flowers

Reviewed pages on flowers in Things Outdoors book

Gathered flowers from around our garden

Pressed flowers in a book

Journaled on flowers and the Venus fly trap we recently purchased


To do today (besides school)-

AM- vacuum & clean bathrooms (done)

PM- make chili beans & macaroni salad

sweep & mop

Get house tidied for company coming over



About to take a nap

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We did math, LA and history this morning and DD also did Latin piano and memory work, then my mom stayed with the kids so that I could have an acupuncture appt.


Lunch was lentil soup and green salad.


Kids are resting/napping now in anticipation of staying up later than usual to watch the Tintin movie tonight.


Our first two weeks of school have gone fairly well. Still struggling with our schedule a bit and we haven't added some extras back in, both academic extras like composer study and activities like choir and swimming lessons.  


I was hoping to grill burgers tonight, but it is thundering away outside and I'm wondering if I should switcch my plan to meatloaf?! I don't much care for burgers unless they are grilled. 


Tomorrow kids have a choir kick-off event and we hope to go to the pool in the afternoon. DH is playing golf tomorrow.

Sunday is worship, SS promotion day and resting. 

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