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Field guides for nature study?

Annie Laurie

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*curious minds want to know*


I was hiking last weekend and wished there was an app that I could take a photo of a leaf shape and be told the tree or plant. Maybe that exists.  But also curious about good guides for taking hikes, especially if we're considering adding in more nature study elements.

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I just pick up what I can used from Better world books.  I'd take tree/plant guides as well as bird, and a snake/bug/frog/turtle guides.  I've gotten about everything but the trees and plants covered.  Every time the kids find something new, we look it up.


As far as apps, I don't have a smart phone, and live in an area of spotty reception anyways.  Sorry I can't offer anything there.

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I have recently had good luck with a number of those small dichotomous key field guides (you answer each question and it eventually leads you to the plant you are looking at).  Then I take the bigger guide I have for the area and see the color picture, read the description, and see if I really did get to the right plant. :)


I got mine from Acorn Naturalist.  They have so many fun things for nature study - beware!  :)


I didn't get all of these, but the few I purchased have worked great and helped me feel like I really can figure out what stuff is. :)





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 just ordered a couple of different ones of these. i like that they're flat, laminated, and seem comprehensive, though simple.


We have a few of his State and Regional Nature Guides and really love them.  I need to pick up a few more!

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I got mine from Acorn Naturalist.  They have so many fun things for nature study - beware!  :)


I didn't get all of these, but the few I purchased have worked great and helped me feel like I really can figure out what stuff is. :)




Well, 1/2 an hour later I find myself back here at the original link after clicking on it...got lost over there at AN looking at all the amazing possibilities for nature study. Thanks for the reminder :)

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