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NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program and Publishing the Book


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My son wrote a book with NanoWrimo last year and will again this year. I lightened his writing load and dad did weekly evening write ins and a few on weekends. We then put the book away until Jan. My son then did an edit then my angel - my mil spent about an hour each seek for about two months editing his book. Finally he was happy and we were okay with it. My dh formatteenit and now we have five copies of The Opening of Par. My sonnies very proud of his work and looking forward to writing again this year.

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I didn't know this until I searched online but there is actually plenty of places that kids and publish their works.  There is one that actually pays kids as authors and illustrators.  This is so cool!


Here are some links:





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Ds did NaNo last year, and I recall that NaNo partnered with a self-publishing company to print a few copies of each finished novel, for free. He chose not to do it, but the option was there. After 2 or 3 free copies, you could pay for as many more as you wanted.

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My DD did Nano for the first time last year, but hasn't yet published her book because she decided it's not done yet-she keeps adding to it. She has her next book planned already for this year. Apparently it's going to be a touching YA novel about a young, misunderstood venomous snake finding his place in a world that thinks he's scary. (that's pretty close to her exact words).

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My dd(10) has done NaNoWriMo since she was 6. Every year she chooses not to publish. I actually think she's working on last year's NaNo still. She made her word count to "win", but the story wasn't finished.


As someone posted above, NaNoWriMo gives a coupon for a free, printed copy of winning novels (winners are those who complete the chosen word count--young writers program--or the 50,000 word count for adults) for some website. We've never used the coupons. Maybe this year? Who knows. I'll have to check out the links that Nicholas_mom posted.

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Good question.  I don't know what to put down for word count.  Maybe count the words he has written in his novel from last year?



Apparently it's going to be a touching YA novel about a young, misunderstood venomous snake finding his place in a world that thinks he's scary. (that's pretty close to her exact words).


This sounds so cute!  Mine is writing a book called "Humpback of Notre Dame" with a humpback whale that gets beached on land.  He has a friend named "perry" who is a pufferfish and a shark (I forget what kind of shark) is the evil character.  :lol:

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