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How do you find a good pet sitter?


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We need to find a pet sitter to care for some small animals while we are away.  I am feeling some anxiety - both over finding someone who will do a good job caring for the animals, and letting someone into our home.  I've gotten the names of a couple pet sitters, but no personal referrals from a person I know and trust.  


So, what have you done to find a pet sitter?  What questions do you ask?  They have offered to give referrals, but I'm assuming that they'll only give me people who will say positive things, so is it worth calling referrals given to you by the prospective pet sitter?  Thanks!

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I've used college-aged, former homeschoolers.  One was going to the local CC; one was home for summer break.  While taking care of my pet was important, it was also really important to me that I didn't have to worry someone would go through our personal stuff, files, my kids' rooms, etc. I didn't worry with either of these young men.  One we barely knew at all but he was known by many of our friends; the other is the son of a good friend of mine.

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