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Alright, ladies, bring it on--I've got 16 hrs--

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Hi Aubrey,


I don't know if this will help any more than the other suggestions, but it did help me. (My kids were all late.) I had been having contractions for about 30 hours with dd4 and was still only dialated to 5 or 6, so I spent the next several hours squatting as much as possible. (Hanging on to the counter.) It worked. By the time we got to the back to the birthing center I was at 8 cm.


Good luck!!

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You. have. GOT. to. be. KIDDING.


I mean, the logistics are one thing. *Enjoying* it??????


Who does this research?? :lol:


The logistics are really quite simple; just apply some creative problem solving skills as far as positioning goes.


Women's real life experience constitutes the research. My midwife confirmed my suspicion that sex will start labor.


As for the pleasure aspect, many women experience a surge in libido during pregnancy.

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Waking up here to cheer you on or encourage you to get a little prep-rest.:grouphug:


Well...nothing consistent, nothing strong...but dh is finally home, thank goodness, & we've finished 2nd g, so we're officially "ready," lol. (Although if he hadn't gotten home & something had happened, I'm pretty sure I would have told you guys before him or mw. Because I'm less concerned about a false alarm here, ya know?)


I like the idea of driving west for the date, though--I hadn't thought of that. How fast would we have to drive??? :auto: If I could get to the pt that it's *really* happening, that might not be nec...dd5 was born in 19 min.


We have a tradition of cheating at Skip-Bo while watching Ever After the night before. Dh is turning on the movie, & I'm singing, "Happy Birthday."




That'll work eventually, right? :lol:

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Nothing. Whatsoever.


Did I mention that this is officially the longest I've ever been pg? That even #1 was not this late?


Ok, then I'll try not to mention it again. Off to look at my project list to see what there's still time for....

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Aw, I'm so sorry! Actually I'm not, I'd love to be having a baby! But, it really does stink when you go somewhere and people ask, "When are you due?", and you have to say, "X days ago".


Now, since the date doesn't matter, have a baby today!

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Big hug...:grouphug:

We promise the baby will come out soon. All together ladies, "COME OUT BABY, Your momma is waiting.";)


Nothing. Whatsoever.


Did I mention that this is officially the longest I've ever been pg? That even #1 was not this late?


Ok, then I'll try not to mention it again. Off to look at my project list to see what there's still time for....

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Nothing. Whatsoever.


Did I mention that this is officially the longest I've ever been pg? That even #1 was not this late?


Ok, then I'll try not to mention it again. Off to look at my project list to see what there's still time for....


:grouphug: My #4 was my latest baby too. And since #1 was 10 days late . . .


I don't think those fourth babies are reading the manual.

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No, seriously, this is the best way, for three reasons: orgasm releases oxytocin, orgasm is a big contraction, and semen contains prostoglandins. You can Google to find positions that work in late pregnancy (with safe search on, results won't be gross).


Note that org*sm, whether from s*x or N**ple stimulation (both produce oxytocin) only work if you've already started dilating, etc. It's completely useless if your body is determined to go late. I know someone who tried that, but when it didn't work her doctor explained why.


Of course, I'm typing this on 08-09-08, so it's now a moot point for the 08-08-08 date.

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You know, I'm not. Not at all. I think it might just be a weird growth.


Don't laugh too hard. Before ultrasounds there were women who were so convinced they were pregnant their bellies grew to full term size, even if the doctors told them there was no baby there nor any growth at all, just a large uterus & stretched tummy. Not sure if this still happens when the woman can see the picture.


In your case, however, there really is a baby who cannot read the calendar or understand English yet (a little slow on the uptake, maybe;))

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