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New England zoos: Southwick VS Roger Williams


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Has anyone been to either of these zoos, or both and could compare them for me?   (The Southwick Zoo in MA or the Roger Williams Park Zoo in RI).   We are thinking of visiting one of these zoos this month, and I can't decide which one is "better" for a 10 year old girl and 2 adults.   We have been to York Wild Kingdom in Maine, and I thought it was dirty and the animal enclosures seemed far too small for the specific animals in them.   I would never go back there, and I hope these places aren't anything like the one in York.


Anyway, JMHO and any opinions on either of these places would be very much appreciated!

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Southwick is fun and kind of a family tradition here but Roger Williams is by far, a better zoo. 

Would you mind telling me why you think it's a better zoo?   


I'm not interested in rides, but I did read that Southwick has more shade.  Which I am interested in :lol: .  I got the idea from reading that Southwick is more of an amusement park experience, and Roger Williams has better habitat like enclosures.

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Either one is a good zoo.  Southwick has a few carnival rides and an elephant ride but they are not the focus of the zoo at all.


But we enjoy both. I think the birds are better at Southwick. 


Roger Williams is in Providence and right by 95 so traffic could be very heavy at the end of the day. That's the one thing I dislike about going there. 


If you've never been to either one, you will enjoy either one. 

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I've never been to Roger Williams, but my ds absolutely loved Southwick when we visited (he was 9).


The big hit by far was the deer sanctuary. The deer roam free and people are also free to walk through. The deer can come quite close, and ds was able to cautiously pet one! In fact, he recently wrote about the experience for 10th grade English, so it obviously made quite an impression.


It's a smaller, low-key zoo, with a good amount of shade. We really enjoyed it.


Of course, I'd make sure the zoo hasn't changed in the past 7 years.

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Thanks for the thoughts  :thumbup1: .   I think I should probably stay home and eat brownies instead, because it's too much pressure to handle these life or death decisions like, "Which zoo should I visit?" :lol: .  

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I haven't been to Roger Williams, but I have been to Southwick. 


Southwick is an "old-fashioned" zoo, in that almost all of the animals are in relatively small cages; I think only the lions and chimps have "modern" enclosures.  This allows the zoo to pack more animals into a smaller space (less walking), and you do have a better chance of seeing the animals up-close and personal, but a heads-up if you have any issues with seeing wild animals in cages rather than something ostensibly akin to their natural habitat.


The "rides" are tiny., and not very many of them.  Mostly it's small kiddy rides that go round and round that adults don't fit in.  I would not equate Southwick in any way to an amusement park experience.  You can ride a camel, elephant, or donkey, I think.


I have brought my kids to really nice zoos in St. Louis and San Diego when we've been on vacation.  I know the belief is fairly widely held around here that Roger Williams is the best zoo in the Boston area - in spite of being in RI - (but that's actually not saying much).


Caveat: It has been a few years since I was at Southwick...

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Southwick definitely has some small enclosures, and the whole place has lots of pavement..... It's odd. It lets you get closer to the animals than many municipal zoos, for better or worse. It does not have rides to speak of past toddler age. The petting zoo and playground are also nothing special. My kids loved the rhino exhibit, and the free range deer enclosure is really fun. It is in the middle of nowhere.


I have't been to Roger Williams zoo in a while. My memory is that it's really nice but often very crowded. It is in the middle of a very cool park with an awesome playground and a carousel and a lake where you can rent pedal boats. It is in a seedy suburb of Providence. (It's safe, just, stay in the park or it gets depressing).


I think I'd pick Roger Williams in your shoes.

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