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Quick over night oatmeal


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I don't have a recipe in front of me but I think I have cooked it longer than that.  I might have added more water.  Sorry not to be more specific but its been a while since I've made it. No one here eats oatmeal much anymore.  Anyway, I'm not sure it is super time-sensitive.  How long would it be cooking?   8-9 hours?  


Added:  I had to check; here is one that cooks for 8-9 hours.





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I just toss the steel cut oats, extra water for creaminess, bit of brown sugar, and let it cook. One time it went 12 hours because we slept in, the stuff in the middle was fine, it just stuck around the edges. I don't worry much about the recommended time in the crockpot, if it's not meat based and I plan to cook longer, not shorter.

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I don't use a crockpot.  For 1.5 cups steel cut oats, I add 1.5 cups water and 3Tbsp yogurt (can omit the yogurt).  Soak overnight.  In the morning add another 1.5 cups water and cook 10 minutes. 


Edit:  You can also add all the water at night, bring to a boil, then let sit overnight and reheat in the morning.  I think.  :)

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