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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Ack!  I was toodling along reading the boards and I realized that I had forgotten to post my list!


Clean kitchen

Laundry - catch up on folding laundry first
sort and start first load
Ds - Latin, figure out what needs to be done for math
Figure out history/Lit.
Dd - history/Lit (The  Jungle Book), grammar
Go to bank - caretaker check, escrow stuff
Yard work
Mop bathroom floor
Call Mom and Dad
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Nursery - buy some flowers

Butterfly garden - do some gardening

Was going to go grocery shopping but boys and dh are going to funeral at noon


Have girls do some shredding and some vacuuming

School work

Put some stuff away in bedroom

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drop off donation bags to Goodwill

take donation books to library store

clean out two bookshelves in bedroom

convince ds to go through his closet and fill donation bags

pay bills, budget for month

decide on Christmas budget...I feel behind.  The goal was to save each month; didn't happen.

find crockpot recipe for dinner so I can break in new crockpot


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Called Mom and Dad - Dad is going blind again.  I hope they can reverse it again this time.  At 91, sitting and doing puzzles and reading is about all he can do enjoyably.  


Cleaned the kitchen


Went over geometry with ds16.


Ds has done Latin.

Dd has read today's portion of The Jungle Book.


Next up:  fold laundry.  

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Monday Monday...



Tidy Kitchen a bit

Attacked ant invasion on kitchen counter

Dd to music camp


Story time

Taught/Played Go Fish with youngers

Pondered timeline

Dishes Load #1

Dinner started

Band/orchestra registrations mailed

Music Fundamentals class email registration


To Do:

Pick up dd from music camp

Finish dinner

Monitor Ant Invasion

Deal with a couple clothes tubs downstairs

School-year prep

Email ds with music/class options for the fall

Dishes and Kitchen Tidy Round 2


Lunch - leftover pizza, cottage cheese, mandarin oranges

Dinner - beef & vegetable soup, gf crackers, floopsie bread


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I totally forgot today was monday.  I didn't get much sleep last night, we had 10 hours of crazy thunderstorms.  It is still raining today but no more thunder/lighting.  There was one lighting strike so we had no power for an hour today while they fixed it.  All in all not a normal day

What I did get done:
took ds to bank
grocery store
submitted my resume
picked up the mail

and since then I have been working on reorganizing the school stuff for this coming year since I had to severely down size the shelving that means only a small portion can be out at a time.

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Monday Monday...



Tidy Kitchen a bit

Attacked ant invasion on kitchen counter

Dd to music camp


Story time

Taught/Played Go Fish with youngers

Pondered timeline

Dishes Load #1

Dinner started

Band/orchestra registrations mailed

Music Fundamentals class email registration


To Do:

Pick up dd from music camp

Finish dinner

Monitor Ant Invasion

Deal with a couple clothes tubs downstairs

School-year prep

Email ds with music/class options for the fall

Dishes and Kitchen Tidy Round 2


Lunch - leftover pizza, cottage cheese, mandarin oranges

Dinner - beef & vegetable soup, gf crackers, floopsie bread


Here's the deal - I finish clothes tubs, dishes, and kitchen by 9:00 and then I can watch "Under the Dome" and pencil in some lesson prep to-do lists.  If I kick around the tubs a bit beforehand, I'll scare the spiders away, right?

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Nursery - buy some flowers √

Butterfly garden - do some gardening √

Was going to go grocery shopping but boys and dh are going to funeral at noon

Laundry √

Have girls do some shredding and some vacuuming- shredding got done, not vacuuming though

School work - nope

Put some stuff away in bedroom √



went to pharmacy and picked up Rx

went to bread store and got bread

went to Target and did grocery shopping

hung up scarves on scarf hangers

boxed up some books and put in attic

cleared some more stuff off computer desk

dropped off donations at thrift store

bagged up some more donations

researched vet clinic for rabbit

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