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Visiting Gettyburg


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There is no camping in the park itself. Some of the surrounding campgrounds are pet-friendly. Dogs aren't allowed in many parts of the park.


Most national battlefields, parks and museums now have inexpensive (in some cases free) audio tours that you can download to a mobile phone like an app. Others have numbers you can call at different points and hear the audio tour.

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Gettysburg is a great place to visit, and September should be a perfect time -- warm but hopefully not too hot. Apples should start to be in season (but avoid the first two weeks in October -- that's Apple Harvest Festival time, and it will be busy and crowded). I've written posts about visiting Gettysburg before, but the one I wanted isn't coming up, so you might do a search of my name and Gettysburg and see what I've said.


There is an audio tour that you can buy; it tells you things like "turn here and go .3 miles; stop," but there is a book you can buy that has much of the same information, as it's designed to be a walking tour. I'll see if I can find it on amazon in a second. ETA: Here you go: http://www.amazon.com/The-Complete-Gettysburg-Guide-Battlefield/dp/1932714634/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1373862907&sr=8-1&keywords=walking+gettysburg Even though we live nearby and are in Gettysburg frequently, we found it to be a very helpful book.


Go to the Visitor's Center if you go nowhere else, and be prepared to spend a while in its galleries. And see the battlefields at least a bit, particularly the lookouts. My kids enjoyed seeing Evergreen Cemetery and the spot where the Gettysburg Address was given. If budget/time allows, other cool stuff: the Hall of Presidents, the Wax Museum, the Cyclorama, President Eisenhower's home/farm. You can just spend some time wandering up and down the streets where the shops are too.


Camping -- Caledonia is a nice state park, and you might also look into Outdoor World's campground at Gettysburg Farm; it says it's in Dover, but it's about 20 minutes from Gettysburg, and it's very nice and comfortable. It's dog-friendly for sure. It sounds like dogs aren't allowed in parts of the National Park itself, but I'm not sure about the battlefields or how dogs would be received in town.

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