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I need open and go memorization


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I know, I know--I sound like the most inept homeschooler ever (I am not the MOST inept, but possibly right up there), but is there such a thing?  I would like to be able to print off multiple copies so I can mark them up, highlight, etc.  I am not particular about what he memorizes (this is for a rising fourth grader), and while I feel super proud of myself when I match up memorization to history (the Gettysburg Address and the Star Spangled Banner last year--go me!), it doesn't happen that often.  I would rather go for consistency than for a perfect match with anything substantive.  So I am looking for a collection of "what your fourth grader should memorize, right here put together for you."  Is there such a thing?


Yes, I am embarrassed to be asking this.  Be gentle.  

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Well, Andrew Campbell has Living Memory, but it isn't broken down by grade level. You'd still have to go through & figure out what you want to do each year.

Memoria Press integrates some poetry memorization in their yearly plans, I think.

There is also the Memory Work put together by Hannah Wilson. (You still have to pick what you will memorize!)


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Call Memoria Press and get the Xth grade recitation for $3 (look at the grade level packages to see which fits best into what you will study). I'm not sure if it's what you'd want, but it is broken down by week and tied to their books.


Here is some poetry I've seen linked (and might pull from myself!) http://www.legacytraditional.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Legacy-Poem-Recitations.-5th


Or there's LDTPM's poetry program, it's nice to have the CD since the kids can listen to good pronunciation and rhythm that way.

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I second Living Memory, but here is the link to the pdf, so you'd be able to print and mark it up. As mentioned, you'd have to choose what to memorise, but it's a very thorough resource.




I'm also a fan of IEW's poetry mentioned above, the nice part is that it is already arranged progressively for you, it's truly open and go.

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