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In the past three days I've found two black widows


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Ugh. Black widows are so nasty! They adore our garage and shed, and we have to be vigilant about spraying, although that doesn't eliminate them. They hang out in the sneakiness of places, too, so we're always having to look before grabbing ladders, etc. In spite of that, I've never had one on me before. :shudder: That's awful!! I feel for you. And here I get icked out when an earwig ends up on me. Guess I should count my blessings, eh?

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Definitely an EEK moment! Definitely time to spray!



Speaking of which, I had an eeek moment myself when reading your post, and glanced over at your avatar! I had to look closely to see if I was imagining spiders everywhere! Then I read your name, and I'm hoping that it's some sort of hermit crab instead??

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Have you lived there long? When we moved into a new house about 10 years ago, there were TONS of them around because the place used to be a big crop field. I talked with our Ped. to see what to do if ds was bit. He said they can't kill a person, but could make a little one pretty sick. They tend to stay away from people and like dark places that people don't frequent. That was a problem at the time because, as anyone knows, all little boys [ds was 3 at the time] like to poke their fingers into dark places to find out what is in there! Same theory that forces little boys to push buttons when they have no idea what they do or what they are for!


So, it's kind of weird that they are actually crawling ON you! Are they some kind of mutant, alien race type of spiders? Did they have glowing eyes?! Red, possibly, green glowing eyes! Have there been any kind of strange, space-craft type of circles in the nearby fields where you live? You might want to check this stuff out! :lol:


Hot Lava Mama

Oh, and, yeah, go ahead and spray the h#ll out of the place!


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