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Earlier I posted a question about a scope.

There were no replies so I bumped it.

I modified the title a couple times to see

if there were any takers. This evening, there

were no replies at all so I felt silly with my question.

I deleted the thread and wrote "nm" (Never Mind) on



Now, someone has replied "po."


I just looked up what that means and it's a rude thing.

Why would someone post that? This forum has usually

been very polite to everyone.


I don't get it. Is it a troll? Or is someone mad at me?



ETA: I don't think it's a troll. I am very confused!

The forum is not usually unfriendly like that.

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Probably that person hadn't seen your post before, so they saw it for the first time with just "nm." A lot of times when that happens people start posting "op" then the next will say "qr" then "st," etc. It's just a little joke. The person probably meant to type "op" and just had a typo or an autocorrect malfunction.


Sorry your question didn't get answered. That happens sometimes if the right people don't happen to see it.

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I was looking for a 4H scope for target scoring.

We need to be able to see holes in the paper at 10 yards.

The scopes I have seen only are good for 100 yards.

I am afraid 10 yards is too close and those won't focus.

I was hoping other 4H people would see it.

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Also, I think it helps if you post in the correct forum. I don't know where you posted so I don't if you did or not. Further for something that might be a the top of a forum grade level you might also cross post in the next level up. Sometimes I see things posted either on the general education board or the middle school board that don't get answers, but I know that would over on the high school board. Each board has a different mix of posters and some never come to the general boards or some do it rarely.

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