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Book cataloging - what's your favorite using a scanner app?

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We've used Library Thing in the past, but for fun more than anything, and I have just manually entered when I find a book noteworthy.


Beginning this year we will need to keep a book log as per state requirements. Considering we generally have 60-80 books checked out, the thought of manually entering and sorting them is a bit overwhelming...


We have an iPhone/iPad - is there a good app that would let me scan, sort, record? I mean there are lots of apps, but any favorites?


Thank you!


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I don't know what state you're in, but I'd make sure you're understanding the requirements accurately. That sounds nuts. It's none of their beeswax what you read, only maybe a log of the books you read for SCHOOL purposes. So two books a week from that pile were assigned school work, and all the rest are pleasure. That's what any school would do.

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I'm in a state with a required log, and I just type them on a spreadsheet because I'm old school. Some friends have their DC keep their own list . I don't sweat it if we miss some books. I know we do, but our list is long enough that I don't care. Do whatever works for you, and don't drive yourself nuts making sure you get every. single. book (IMO).

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I just signed up for GoodReads.com (free by barnes and noble). It's a website and has an free app. You can scan to search for a book and add it to a list of your choice. Standard lists are: want to read, read (past tense), currently reading (with the ability to track progress by page number), and on my shelf (I own it). You can make custom lists, perhaps by subject, by school or pleasure, perhaps by time period, etc. Books can be filed in multiple lists. For instance, I can mark a book as "on my shelf," currently reading, and by dated list.


You, as teacher/parent, can start a "group" to assign books with a start date and due date for your students, as well as upcoming books.


Readers can rate books and write reviews, share lists with friends, make and/or receive recommendations,


So far, I've liked it. Some out of print books are harder to find, even after scanning, but by entering the ISBN, they can be recorded.

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Thank you all for the replies!! I'm in Pennsylvania; though the law is fairly strict, I agree it doesn't make sense to go crazy over the book log :).


I am off to research the options suggested - I often have a hard time remembering if I've already checked out a book for DD to read (I hit the library while she's at ballet), or just made a mental note to do so at some point :p. Keeping a log might be a good habit!

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Another option would be to check into your library card's check out history. At my library, you have to opt-in to having them track what you've checked out in the past (it's a privacy thing since those sorts of records can be subpoenaed), but maybe in this case it might be worth it from a personal record keeping standpoint?

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I'm in PA too, and I only record on the log books that we specifically use for schoolwork somehow (so, picture books that we use for science/history/art/music) or chapter books as the kids finish them. (Oh, and any sort of curriculum book.) I don't bother to record random picture books or graphic novels or books they started but didn't finish. Don't stress about it too much.

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