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if you are a godparent....


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Do you do anything to mark the anniversary of your God child's baptism? I haven't in the past, but was thinking I should. She is only 2, so I was thinking a small gift/boardbook, something? She isn't named after as saint or anything....any ideas?


Her parents are not particularly religious, don't attend church, etc. So nothing over the top/pushy. Oh, and they are Episcopal, if that matters.

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I would, especially if her parents aren't very religious. It's your responsibility to raise her as a Christian even if her parents aren't really contributing. We send just cards for our godchildren's birthdays and gifts on their baptismal anniversaries. Our godchildren are still young, so it's easy to find things like Tomie dePaola books that are both fun and religious. As they get older we may start to send something small and fun on their birthdays and something more serious and religious for baptismal anniversaries.

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I'm a (Catholic) Godmother to several neices and nephews.


We place more emphasis on the feast day of the Saint that the kid is named for.


Since that's n/a to you, I think it's a lovely idea to recognize the anniversary of her baptism!


I always give a small trinket. I think a board book is a great idea, and Tomie de Paolo is a favorite here also.


He's a great author for the type of family you describe. My husband's sister is a cultural Catholic, not a churchgoer, and she loves the de Paolo books we send. She tends to be offended by anything "too" Catholic or Christian, but these have always been well-received. She's a Rhetoric professor and picky about books in general, but loves de Paolo.


There are enough de Paolo books to get you through elementary years. And then you can switch over to a charm bracelet or something that's easy to add to each year.

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They're lucky if I remember their birthday!


LOL, I didn't remember last year, but this year I found the card given to me at the church, and put the date in my google calendar, to repeat forever. So I should be good now.

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