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I just joined the forums, although I've perused them occasionally before. My daughter is advanced (well, probably DS2.5 too but in different ways maybe) and I'm looking forward to hearing about resources and your experiences!


DD began sight reading before two and taught herself to read fluently by three. I think she's at a fourth grade level now, at 6yo. She has been really into language (poetic devices, plot charts, grammar) and this year math. She's in a homeschool charter so she has school about 75% of the instructional time. She's incredibly crafty and I'm looking forward to hanging out with her and seeing what she gets up to this summer! But she's asking for summer learning so I've been looking into Latin (she was obsessed wit Getting Started with Latin until we had to return it to the library--we're thinking of buying it), Italian, and Michael Clay Thompson, which I've read some people have used with advanced 6yos. It's pricey but we could possibly make use of it for a couple years as summer/after schooling enrichment, see how she grows into it. Some of it looks easy for her, some nice and challenging.


Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and say I'm only online on my phone so please forgive any silly autocorrections or that kind of thing. Thanks!



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Hi, and welcome!


And I just wanted to say that my early-reading, word-loving dd has adored MCT LA. The writing activities were occasionally longer than she was prepared for, but other than that it was a good fit for her at 7 yo.


That, and Shakespeare. She is fascinated with the Bard's use of language, and many of the comedies are truly silly enough to entertain her as the young girl she still is. I would think it would be fairly easy to enrich with Shakespeare during the summer months, and not as pricey as MCT.


ETA: If studying Shakespeare is something that you'd be interested in, Ana (serendipitous journey) started a wonderful thread about plays to use with younger children. In it she referenced an earlier thread with resources for teaching Shakespeare with a 6 yo. And then Stripe has recently posted a link to a new resource for teaching Shakespeare to children. So there are lots of goodies there for you! :001_smile:

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Thanks, all! DD was really into Midsummer last year, read graphic novel versions and watched the movie repeatedly. We took her to a performance, too. I've been wondering what to do next with Shakespeare for this age, so those resources are great, thank you! I am a high school English teacher in my other life ;) so I can very much discuss poetic devices and grammar analysis with her, I just sometimes think with the toddler a curriculum is handy--and might be inspiring for her, when school is still shooting a bit low. Off to read Shakespeare links!

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