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Maker Faire and EEME


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I went to the Maker Faire this weekend in San Mateo. Homeschoolers Delight!


Anyway I saw so much my head is spinning but one thing that really stands out for me was the following:




I have been wanting to get more STEM in my homeschool curriculum but I am somewhat clueless to most of it.

I wanted my kids to learn about Electronics and we have snap circuits at home and they have tinkered with them here and there.


However after doing a demo circuit at the faire one of my daughters told her dad who was pretty exhausted by yesterday and didn;t really want to hear more:


"Dad, this was really cool. I really understand it better now. It makes more sense than just playing with the snap circuits. "

My daughter is 11yrs old.


It is a monthly kit with educational video of some sort. I don;t work for the company or anything like that. I have met the people at the behind the table and not sure if they were the ones who owned the company or what but they seemed really nice and informative.

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I ordered my subscription and exchanged a couple of emails with the guy in charge. He tells me that each project can be re-used for more than one student, so no need for multiple subscriptions. I can't wait to see our first project!

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Thanks for this link! I will add that I personally saw Snap Circuits as a neat, kinda-sorta educational toy (and didn't really understand all the hullabaloo) until I bought the Student Guide. http://www.snapcircuits.net/products/product_details/student_guide_for_sc300--sc500--sc750=Mzc= It transformed SC from a toy to an electronics course here.

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Thanks for this link! I will add that I personally saw Snap Circuits as a neat, kinda-sorta educational toy (and didn't really understand all the hullabaloo) until I bought the Student Guide. http://www.snapcircu...500--sc750=Mzc= It transformed SC from a toy to an electronics course here.



Snap Circuits are great, my boys received the giant black case of Snap Circuits for the holidays 2-3 years ago and they still use them.

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I went to the Maker Faire this weekend in San Mateo. Homeschoolers Delight!




We were also there! My son and I were working at the Hacker Scouts booth. It was a lot of fun! They are starting a San Jose guild and I think are starting to have open labs, if you guys are near there. We are in the Oakland guild. So much electronics! If you aren't near by it might be worth going to some of the labs even if it is a drive, both of my boys learned soldering and lots of other skills there before joining the guild.

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We were also there! My son and I were working at the Hacker Scouts booth. It was a lot of fun! They are starting a San Jose guild and I think are starting to have open labs, if you guys are near there. We are in the Oakland guild. So much electronics! If you aren't near by it might be worth going to some of the labs even if it is a drive, both of my boys learned soldering and lots of other skills there before joining the guild.


Really, a guild? I could possibly make the drive to San Jose.

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Really, a guild? I could possibly make the drive to San Jose.


Several people commute pretty far to come to the Oakland one. It is a fabulous program. I'd recommend getting on the list early as the spaces will fill fast.

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Well I am so glad you guys mentioned Hacker-Scouts!


For those who do not know what Hacker-Scouts is: It is like boys/girls scouts but the kids learn instead how to solder, program, build circuit and microprocessors like arduino, raspberry pi and they earn badges. there is a guild component and an open lab. plus they have hackersprouts for younger ones




You can see more patches:



We are working on getting a Hackerspace established in Hayward so we can have Hackerscouts locally. Hayward is in desperate need of something like this. Mitch Altman of Noisebridge and Matt Senate of Sudo Room will actually be in Hayward this Wednesday to meet with us!


In the meantime I will be going to both Oakland and San Jose for Open Lab.


Here is the link for the Hayward hackerspace called HAYHACKERS.




For all others interested in a Hackerspace in your state or location check out www.hackerspaces.org

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